What's the Difference between Shin Ramyun Instant Noodles made in US vs Korea? #신라면

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We got our hands on a package of Shin Ramyun manufactured in Korea and noticed the ones we usually get from our local …

2 replies
  1. dino
    dino says:

    Idk 🤷 I think you need to cook both at the same time and then try it. Leaving “spicy” seasoning in heat for longer reduces their spiciness. Also, the USA version would taste creamier and greasier because it was just sitting and all the noodle grease leached out. Maybe try a more controlled version next time?

  2. dino
    dino says:

    I do it like that but I don’t put the soup base seasonings until the very very end because otherwise, the longer you keep it heating, it will lose its spiciness and I want it very spicy. Adding in the red pepper flakes too


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