~~~ What's For Dinner? What Does Chicken Tortellini Soup Taste LIke? Is it Good? Recipe Below ~~~

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I had never had Tortellini before so I wasn’t sure whether I would like the Chicken Tortellini Soup. It was my What’s for Dinner meal …

18 replies
  1. Julie Lendal
    Julie Lendal says:

    I think you're turning the sealing knob over too much, that's why it doesn't come to pressure. Watch this video, the first time you turn it over too far =no pressure, the next time you don't turn it as far and it comes to pressure just fine ☺️

  2. Lyndsey MacPherson
    Lyndsey MacPherson says:

    What a spectacular idea!!! I love–not I LOVE tortellinis (esp. the rosemary chicken flavour), but I always just serve them with alfredo or marinara sauce–in a soup, they'd be tremendous! Can't wait to do this. Thank you, Debbie! <3

  3. D Sinavich
    D Sinavich says:

    Hi Deb! The soup looks delicious! I need to make some ! I would send the ninja back and get your money . Love olive garden ! Eat up ! Stay healthy and happy ! Take care ! Blessings! Deb. Canada

  4. Andrea Leming
    Andrea Leming says:

    Debbie was there ever a time when you were more overwhelmed by the thought of cooking and no one liking it so you kinda lost interest. I'm 42, husband of 20 yrs and 2 teenage boys. That's where I am and I love watching you videos because sometimes not by the book is ok. Ty

  5. Patricia Hartless
    Patricia Hartless says:

    Good Morning Mrs . Debbie . Your soup looks so delicious . I'd like to have a bowl . Of it right now . I would send the Ninja Appliance back . They should fix it or give you a new one . Preferably a new one . Still sending prayers up . For you and family . You have a beautiful day .

  6. Phyllis Coffman
    Phyllis Coffman says:

    Hey, Debbie ☘️💞🍀. This looks really good 👍. I don’t have any tortellini, but I do have some ravioli. I think that would work out too. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️

  7. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    I've never had tortilla soup going to make this recipe yummy. Thank you for sharing Debbie have a blessed day stay safe and healthy. Prayers for you and your beautiful family. 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤


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