What's For Dinner? Sept 26, 2021 | Cooking for Two | Easy & Delicious Meals

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Hey Y’all! We are back with brand new, jam-packed, weekly dinner video, full of lots of easy and delicious meals that we had (and we show you how we make …

30 replies
  1. Melanie Lester
    Melanie Lester says:

    Everything, as always, looks delicious ! Such a great variety of food and wonderful meal ideas. The egg and waffles that Tim cooked looked amazing as did the food at your ladies Bible group! Best wishes from across the pond x

  2. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Everything looks delicious as always Stacy! Tim is the omelette king! I love a good cheese omelette for breakfast! I make a slice similar to the one you made except I put coconut in it and mixed fruit in it. I must try it with chocolate chips! It's another leftover roast chicken and roast veggies for us tonight! Happy day to you both from Sally, Les and the fur crew!😊❤❤

  3. Brenda Tate
    Brenda Tate says:

    Everything looks delicious 🤤! I love that you show how to cook for two. We are empty nesters and most recipes are for large families. I’m like Tim! I love potatoes anyway you cook them! Lol.
    Can’t wait to try those cookie bars🍪! Hope y’all have a blessed week! God Bless!

  4. If The Creek Don't Rise
    If The Creek Don't Rise says:

    Everything looked delish! I’m still on the ‘easy’ train too but there’s never any complaints and we are fed. That’s what counts. I will look for the honey walnut shrimp from TJ. I think we would like that! Have a great week!

  5. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Hello My Sweet Friend!
    Yum yum cookie. Who doesn't enjoy a homemade cookie….or bar. 🍪🍪
    Hamburger beef stroganof is a staple in my home. I dont always use an entire can of creme of mushroom. I just freeze the other half for another meal. I learned that a fee years ago. I enjoy that mushroom powder from Trader Joes. It just adds a lot of flavor to foods.
    All of your food looks delicious. I enjoy comfort foods. I enjoy chinese food.
    Love it when my husband cooks me breakfast. Mine made the kids and I a delicious breakfast. But mostly, it's nice to not always be the one cooking. It's so kind and helpful. 🥰
    How fun to have in person bible study. That spread of food looked wonderful. I enjoy breakfast casseroles. I like to try a small piece of each one and that in itself makes me full. Lol.
    Tim and his woohoo makes me laugh everytime.
    You both are just so cute together. You both make me smile.
    Have a fantastic and blessed week my friend. ❤🤣

  6. Nana Papa
    Nana Papa says:

    Wonderful meals and I believe I need to put sour cream on the list. We just began getting rain an hour ago. Supposed to last 2-3 days and that's perfect for mushrooms. My husband will check his secret spots for chanterelles and lobster mushrooms. Worst case, I do have some chanterelles from last year that I prepped and froze. If he gets some fresh mushrooms, I'll just use those frozen mushrooms in some mushroom soup I've been wanting to make. I usually make cream of mushroom soup, but did see a Hungarian mushroom soup recipe that looked pretty neat. Take good care of yourselves and God bless you.

  7. Lisa Beierling
    Lisa Beierling says:

    I make a similar breakfast casserole you may like. You use a package of stuffing mix (any flavor), add in cooked breakfast meat (sausage, bacon, or cubed ham), add a package of frozen broccoli, chopped up. Beat 8 eggs mixed with 1cup milk, and pour over the mixture then top with cheese. Bake at 350 for 30 to 45 minutes until cooked through. I think it’s better if you put it together the night before and let it sit covered in the fridge overnight so the stuffing absorbs the eggs.

  8. Laura Ruthruff
    Laura Ruthruff says:

    How yummy everything looks!! I make something similar to your egg casserole only I use hash brown potatoes instead of bread which has always been delicious too. I hope you and Tim have a great week!!

  9. Donna Gribbins
    Donna Gribbins says:

    Everything looked delicious. I will definitely try your pan of quick bar cookies, your beef strogganoff , potato wedges and those pepperoni roll ups. I am making a Kroger grocery list. We need a few things and Mark just left for work. I am gonna run over to Kroger. I will carry the cold stuff In tonight and he will haul the rest into the house in the morning. I just need a few things. Mostly stuff for him to take for lunch. And a few items that are in this weeks ad.

  10. Jen Moody
    Jen Moody says:

    I know you are so thankful to be back to in person Sunday School. Our church has a few in person classes now, but a lot is still by zoom. Our class has actually disbanded since Covid hit and it makes me sad. I’m going to have to try that cookie bar recipe sometime. They looked so good. I make that breakfast casserole dish for Christmas morning each year, except I use crescent rolls instead of bread. Have a wonderful week!

  11. ShelbyLynn Williams
    ShelbyLynn Williams says:

    Everything looks delicious as usual. I have beef stroganoff already planned on this week’s menu at my house. I make mine a little different with beef broth. What a great hubby Tim is for making breakfast. The omelettes looked yummy.

  12. April Townsend
    April Townsend says:

    Those patties are great to keep on hand to use up leftover hamburger buns (for Tim)! We even make microwave hot ham (any meat but usually ham) and cheeses (we like Kraft because it makes it warm and gooey inside) when we have extra and have no meals left! Build it and nuke it for 15 seconds.. serve with chips.. and boom! A quick snack/lunch/dinner.

  13. Gail B
    Gail B says:

    Wow such yummy meals again! You do such a good job making Chinese type food, that all looked great. Those pan cookies are a hit I'm sure, can't go wrong with that.Those loaded potatoes look so good! I love the spicy chicken patties and will be sorry when my pack is gone; I haven't gotten the Morningstar chicken ones in quite a while but that's a good idea for me to have around. Pizza crescents, fun! So much to still try with my air fryer. That's some good looking breakfast food too, Tim's at home and at bible study. Have a good week!


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