What's For Dinner? Real Life Quick and Easy Fall Meals! Goodbye October πŸŽƒ

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It’s so hard not to switch into Christmas mode right after Halloween and sometimes Thanksgiving gets lumped in with Christmas.

13 replies
  1. Tammi Fields
    Tammi Fields says:

    Thanks for sharing your Halloween πŸŽƒ Fun with us…. Adorable costumes!πŸ€— The meals you prepared for your family looked DE-LI-CIOUS πŸ˜‹ as usual! I ALWAYS Enjoy!πŸ’•

  2. My Explorations
    My Explorations says:

    You are so fun! You’re a delightfully amusing narrator! It definitely sets you apart from other What’s for Dinner presenters. It’s almost like you’re a master story-teller. Keep up the good work, I look forward to it each week!

  3. Kristy B
    Kristy B says:

    Rachel this year has been a huge learning lesson for me. I lost my little brother to cancer in August and got diagnosed with cancer myself on February 1st. I was very much like you, I put a lot of pressure on myself, I thought I needed a gourmet meal on the table every night, that holidays had to be over the top, every detail had to be perfect. This year has taught me that good is enough is really good enough. I’ve learned I have to give myself the same grace I show to others. Learn from my mistakes, give yourself grace and compassion, don’t beat yourself up over not going big for Halloween. It’s ok to just do something small. The important part of it is you were with your family. I know you understand when I say I would give just about anything to have my brother back but I can’t so I have to make every moment in life count and stressing myself out to make everyone else happy isn’t worth it. I just have to accept and so do they that my best is good enough


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