What's For Dinner? Nov 1, 2020 | Cooking for Two | Easy & Delicious Recipes | New IP Recipe!

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Hey Y’all! We have a lot of really easy and delicious meals for you this week, plus we tried a great new Instant Pot recipe too! We hope you enjoy all the food in …

27 replies
  1. c c
    c c says:

    It is great to see a WFD cooking for 2 people…I sometimes seem to cook too much and it regretfully gets wasted. I have been very good about it lately though. I am trying. I hate being wasteful. I want to try many of your dinners!
    I also have to say to you, Stacy, that you have a very beautiful voice. 💛

    new subscriber 🙋‍♀️

    Edit: just got to the end of your video and I have to say that I just recently learned of Dots Pretzels and they are the BEST. SO. GOOD.
    (and you MUST try the Southwestern flavored ones too! I think it's the only alternative flavor they have so far..)

  2. ab22heartsmac
    ab22heartsmac says:

    I made the french bread pepperoni pizza you shared last week tonight for dinner and it was delicious. Thanks again for sharing all of y’all’s meals it’s always nice to get new inspiration to cook

  3. Katie K
    Katie K says:

    Hi Stacy! Omg that maple mustard vinaigrette looks amazing. I always use the boxes of Spanish rice, but I never realized how easy it is to make from scratch. MAYBE I’ll try one day 😜 What’s the difference between normal pepper and white pepper? Your salads always look so delicious! I absolutely LOVE those Dot’s pretzels. The best!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kayla’s Kloset
    Kayla’s Kloset says:

    Hi Stacy! Another week of yummy meals! The rice you made on Taco Tuesday looked awesome. I’ve been pleased with the avocados I’ve been purchasing lately too! I use paper towels to remove the excess grease too. I recently started putting sour cream in my mashed potatoes. Boy does it make such a big difference! Happy Birthday to your niece! It looks like you had a wonderful time! Oh I just LOVE the Dot’s pretzels! A friend of mine recently introduced me to them. Before she had me try them, I was so skeptical and I said there is NO way I’d ever spend that much on pretzels. Well, they are now in my pantry LOL!!! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful week! 🤗♥️

  5. If The Creek Don't Rise
    If The Creek Don't Rise says:

    Those hamburger steaks with mushroom gravy made my mouth water. I have not made anything like that in a good while. Thanks for heads up on the pretzels. I've looked at them but never purchased. I have tried the twisted sticks by Snyder & they were just ok. I love the pub pretzels at Aldi but they are seasonal & I can't seem to time it right to find them. Have a good week! Happy November!

  6. Gladys Errickson
    Gladys Errickson says:

    Lol lol oh boy Stacy good minds think a like I been wanting to make homemade Salsberry steak yummm it’s on my week prep this week I was watching how you made your rue n thinking on how you do your Thanksgiving yep not far away now for Turkey lurkey day lol lol I’m starting to get excited for it

  7. PlasmaSpeedos
    PlasmaSpeedos says:

    I like that you used broth instead of water. Any opportunity to add more flavor is a good choice. I bet your food tastes amazing!
    I admittedly purchased an Insta pot but rarely use it. I appreciate the recipe and tips!

  8. W Huang
    W Huang says:

    Lovely looking meals! I made pork chop with sauerkraut from your video last week. I didn't use any apple (we eat low carb so don't often have sweet fruits around), but added a little apple cider vinegar, along with some water and herbs and seasonings and LOADS of sauerkraut. I cooked it on the stove top (browned the pork first then braised for about 1.5hr). They came out delicious. The meat was how I like it, tender but not mushy. The flavor was tangy which I really enjoy. I think next time I might try pork belly. The tangy flavor and fattiness should go well together. 🙂 Thanks for sharing all these dinner ideas!


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