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Hello friends! Welcome to another What’s For Dinner video! Today I am showing you 3 summer easy meal ideas! Instant Pot Potato Soup 1 pack of hash browns …

19 replies
  1. sally skellington
    sally skellington says:

    I am 100% terrified of my instant pot! My husband got me one like a year ago now…literally used it twice to make crab legs and he had to use it for me…I ran out of the house when I heard that noise!! I can't get over it…I could use it for something that doesn't do the quick release but nahhhh he has to do the quick release…thinkin of giving mine away and just getting ninja multicooker instead….I am the queen of a crock pot though…lol everything looks super yummy!! I have never had potato soup but it looks good…

  2. RubyLux 1
    RubyLux 1 says:

    Hi Melisa really enjoy watching -im in UK 🇬🇧 so enjoy seeing the difference in meals – the scone type thing in the last meal i think you said they were biscuits from a can, plus the white sauce on the last breakfast/evening meal are both something we dont see in the UK – or at least would use them in different scenario – 😊🌸

  3. Rylene Hindley
    Rylene Hindley says:

    Your potato soup is a favorite in my household ♥️… your dog is so cute sleeping in the background when you were making the soup 😍…. I wish I wasn’t doing low carb, it all looked delish 😭

  4. dia cue
    dia cue says:

    easy and delicious! I want to try that easy potato soup. I can't believe I never thought to use a bag of diced potatoes instead of peeling and chopping myself lol


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