What’s For Dinner | Goat vs. Cow Might Surprise You

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As a strong advocate for raising goats for meat, I reveal that they are not only easy to handle and require minimal resources but …

26 replies
  1. Cynthia Fisher
    Cynthia Fisher says:

    I wasn’t looking forward to having goat because I thought it would taste like lamb, but I was pleasantly surprised, it didn’t taste like lamb to me. Not that lamb is bad, it’s just not my preferred meat.

  2. Michelle Day
    Michelle Day says:

    I got some goat meat from a local farmer including a whole leg. I roasted it and it was delicious. Like a tender, mild beef with just an extra twist from slighty gameyness (which I love). Also a fan of making goat curry. Let that marinate overnight for best flavor.

    I dont rinse rice unless the instructions specifically say so like some of the Asian rices.

  3. Cee Park
    Cee Park says:

    We used to raise goat for meat but since we don’t eat a lot of meat decided that the cost of feed/vet/time and care didn’t justify raising them. Besides Hubby didn’t like the taste. We eat a lot of rice, hubby has it at least once a day and we always rinse rice three times before cooking.

  4. MaryG0Round
    MaryG0Round says:

    I'm not a rice rinser. After working at a rice factory I learned you wash off the nutrients they add after they removed the bran. But I always switched to uncle Ben's rice after quiting there bc they don't need to add the nutrients bc they par boil their rice and it saves the nutrients

  5. The Viking Farmer HD
    The Viking Farmer HD says:

    Not washing the rice is really bad. During processing and transport the rice will have a heavy amount of starches, dust, bugs, and chemicals on the rice and even heavy metals like arsenic. Beets are extremely unhealthy for the human body and contains high amounts of oxalates and plant toxins and on top of all that the nutrients are not bio available for the human body. Cooking oil is not good either and i have no clue why you would consider using a oil when you live on a homestead and have access to 100% grass fed grass finished beef tallow and ghee or even butter.

  6. l brooks
    l brooks says:

    Quick Question: Can you get any actual steaks out of a goat? I assume they'd be smaller, but just wondering what kind of cuts you get?
    And do you process the goats or have them done elsewhere?
    (I'm trying to talk my husband into goats, I think it's definitely worth trying)🤗

  7. JamJar
    JamJar says:

    My parents had a small farm when I was in high-school. One of our nanny goats had a billy. He was white and silver with splotches of black.We named him Billy the Kid. He was gorgeous and knew it! Well I'm afraid he became dinner eventually. It was a difficult thing but I have to say when I finally had a bite it was delicious and tender. Billy you were a good boy and much loved.💕


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