What's for Dinner? | Frugal and Easy Family Dinner Ideas | Family of 4

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Another week of family dinner ideas! We love letters! P.O. Box 55395, Lexington KY 40555 PRODUCTS I LOVE: Mix ‘n Chop – https://amzn.to/2IS2NZS Kids …

47 replies
  1. Lexus Avila
    Lexus Avila says:

    I absolutely love how you thank your children for trying something! I feel like it encourages them to try things! I love your content! I’m no even a mom but I enjoy your videos so much!

  2. alisha Dawn
    alisha Dawn says:

    Quick quiestion dont be mad either its just your camera or lighting is your daughters iron. Levels ok.. she looks pale and under her eyes either its her iron or she needs extra vitamins

  3. Jessica Letz
    Jessica Letz says:

    β€œSo you were still a grownup?” 🀣🀣 we don’t have kids yet, but I have two sisters that are their ages and then 2 nieces that are even younger…….always entertained 🀣

  4. sally skellington
    sally skellington says:

    Jackson and Alice are so adorable!!! I can't stand it!!! Jackson is so smart and very descriptive when he talks…I love Alice's little serious face and her cute little voice…she literally embodies the name Alice….I haven't had BW3 in forever all the ones around the Cincinnati area well close to me on the East side are disappearing…I will have to go to one for Valentine's days or something…I just got a bunch of chicken thighs on sale so I need all the recipes I can get for those…tfs πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  5. Jenny T
    Jenny T says:

    Hi Tiffanie, thanks for this vlog – I really enjoy seeing what you guys are having for dinner. Do you have an Applebee's near you? When we were visiting the States a few years ago we went to the one near our hotel & liked it so much we went there for the next 3 nights!!

  6. Brandy Freeman
    Brandy Freeman says:

    You've probably answered this before & I've missed it but where is your pizza pan with the handles from? I notice you use it for a lot of things & I'd like to check into getting one.
    Also, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Jackson cooking. That's such an important skill that our babies need to learn. I feel like a lot of people forget that it is just important for our boys to learn how to cook. So sweet for Alice save Ted a treat off to the side πŸΉπŸ’™

  7. Caudill Caudill
    Caudill Caudill says:

    Oml..loved this one…where to begin????
    Beautiful yummy salads…
    Baby Katie…too cute….
    Bosco breadsticks yummy I get at GFS for grandbabies…
    Little man learning to cook…love!!!
    Long …long..long timeπŸ‘πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
    Your kids..make yummy salads too.
    And teaching math basically as we cookπŸ‘πŸ‘
    Its Friday night here..pizza night ….no work tomorrow…I made..pizza burger's…salad.
    Your kids eat so well…they make good choices. πŸ‘πŸ‘
    Have blessed weekend πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦³πŸ™β€β€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  8. Emily Robinson
    Emily Robinson says:

    I'm never this early. I love your videos. I have two very picky kids. I started the polite bite after watching some of your videos. It has helped us so much when it comes to trying new foods. My 7 year old requests veggies now, she used to hate them.


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