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Hello Friends! This week’s meals are particularly delicious with one of my favorite soups, plus my annual Christmas dinner.

14 replies
  1. Cooking with Anadi
    Cooking with Anadi says:

    Aw man I've never had a French onion soup before. I totally want to have one for sure! The brie quesadillas are simply genius! Brie is one of my favourite cheeses and I never would have thought of making quesos with them! Those turned out superb! Loving all of this, I wish I could come over for all of this goodness! Great job!

  2. Tiny Asian Pastry Girl
    Tiny Asian Pastry Girl says:

    That is such a sweet gift! Your Mom is awesome!! I like that your french onion soup doesn’t use wine, I don’t drink either or have wine on hand so this recipe is perfect for me!! That looks sooo good. Your quesadilla looks good too!! And oh man!! Your lasgna looks INCREDIBLE!!! (I love that you use pepperoni in your lasagna!!) yummy!! Great video!!

  3. Life with Valerie Rose
    Life with Valerie Rose says:

    I’m sorry you didn’t get to see your family. Your mom seems so sweet. I love the gift she sent you. I have been craving French onion soup so bad 😋. I just used that same Italian blend cheese in my spaghetti tonight, so yummy 💕

  4. Southern Family Life
    Southern Family Life says:

    That was very sweet of your mom to send you that ❤ I love how you added the extra stuff to your pasta side!! I absolutely love lasagna, I'm going to have to try the pepperoni in it 😋 Everything looks delicious 💜

  5. Cooking With Neighbors Jerri-ellen
    Cooking With Neighbors Jerri-ellen says:

    Hi Stephanie, that is a really sweet gift from your Mom. That is so kind. I really enjoy french onion soup good idea to save half without putting the cheese and crostini on so you can do that fresh the next day. Nice amp up of the pasta. Your lasagna looks awesome. You are certainly a wonderful cook Stephanie. I never tried the Brie recipe for quesadillas I want to try that and use your idea of the spinach too. . Hope you are enjoying your day.

  6. The O' Brien's Kitchen
    The O' Brien's Kitchen says:

    Fantastic and delicious French onion soup you have prepared my dear sister. It looks so incredible. Surely all recipes are tempting and flavorful dinner you have cooked. Preparation method is splendid dear and end result is superb. Sister pls keep in touch.

  7. Lisa J
    Lisa J says:

    Awww, hello my friend's Mom! I'm so very lonely for my Mom; she passed away a few months ago. Will you please tell your beautiful daughter she has many wonderful blessings of friends & family? I love her channel! Blessings and love always surround you & those you love.


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