What's For Dinner? Feb 16, 2020 | Cooking for Two | Easy Weeknight Meals | Pantry Meals

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Hey Y’all! We’ve got some easy dinner ideas for you in our latest “What’s For Dinner” video! We have some easy and some healthy meals for you this week, plus …

38 replies
  1. Mrsemptynester
    Mrsemptynester says:

    HI Stacy, What a fun yummy birthday celebration for Tim's brother!!!! Bless you for helping get your friend's mother out of the flood area. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone else in that area. I remember the big flood of 1979. I was in Tupelo but I remember hearing all about it. The potatoes that Tim had looked so so good. I really like that Farro salad you made. I have never had Farro, I want to try that salad. fabulous delicious s meals and fun times. SI love soup, I really need to make a lentil soup, I have some lentils in my pantry and some ham in my freezer that I need to use up. Have a wonderful week with your funny Valentine.xoxoxo

  2. Taylor LaVerdiere
    Taylor LaVerdiere says:

    Hi Stacy!! You and Tim must be ok with the flooding if you didn’t say anything! Thank the Heavens! Had to comment to make sure you two were ok! We have flooding in our basement that is inevitable even with a pipe that pumps out the water. Your lentil looks like a store bought brand I get and is a little pricey! I would buy yours in the store anytime! 😉 Winter is not even winter here only one snow fall barely an inch. And just as I’m getting used to THIS day light savings back whenever it got dark quicker. I’m not ready for March 12 to change everything again!! But it means lighter at night for a very long time so March is my favorite other than the other time. There is a brand called ‘Blake’s’ Pot Pies and they make a shepherds pie too. Check them out at your store if you want. They are good and really easy to just put in the oven. I think the price could be a little lower but here or there is a nice treat. Let me know if you buy one! Those pie fries are what we call puff pastries but we buy them pre packaged! So so good!! Talk to you soon!! 💗💗❌⭕️💚

  3. Logues Life
    Logues Life says:

    Hi Stacy and Tim! Happy Sunday!! Shadd would have loved those potato logs that Tim made. The jalapeños, cheese, sour cream, AND ketchup?!?! Yep, Shadd would have dug right in lol
    Gosh, your poor hand. 😞 I’m glad Tim is willing to help out when you need it!! We are eating healthier too! I need to do something drastic and not easy but it has to be done. Basically doing Keto. I haven’t decided if I’m going to announce it on our channel though because we’ll get a lot of negative feedback but we’ll see. Cutting out bread and potatoes. It’s hard lol But there is also quite a bit of healthy options and I’m determined to do it. Seeing some of your healthy options gives me hope to stick with this and then slowly add back in healthier things like lentils. That pie thing is an awesome trick!! So easy! And I love all of your family get togethers. Sweet Hunter and Allie! 💙💕 Who was that other cutie with Hunter? I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Sunday. It’s back to work for me tomorrow but first is the dentist for a cleaning. Oh what fun lol And Shadd gets Presidents Day off but I don’t. How does that happen? Lol 🤗😘

  4. Mel's Simple Meals
    Mel's Simple Meals says:

    Been in a soup funk lately cause I was making a bunch of soups..but your soups look so good and I am inspired to make those 🙂 All of your dinners look so good. Love the desserts too and that is how I like pie anyway 🙂 Happy Valentine's day ♡

  5. Gail B
    Gail B says:

    Give me ALL the soups please! Those looked so good. I love the farro salad too, might need to try that again. (I watched this on the tv earlier and the girls said the farro looked good!) Oh Tim, Tim, I was so with you on the loaded potatoes until you said ketchup! No! I should have had the girls use up my pie stuff while they were here to make that dessert, I would like that in a bowl with ice cream 🙂 The flooding is bad this year. Happy birthday Terry!

  6. Mary Raybon
    Mary Raybon says:

    Great meals!! That Hunter is growing.. and Allie is so precious!! My hubby had potato soup with French fried onions on top tonite for dinner. It is rainy and little chilly here. Loved the birthday party, so much good looking food. Thanks so much for sharing. Take care and be blessed.

  7. lemoncrinckles
    lemoncrinckles says:

    I had to laugh at the look of chagrin on the birthday boy's face when he was being serenaded: so cute!
    Everything looked delicious, and that cherry thing sure didn't look like a fail from here! Congrats on continuing to use your pantry store. It's okay if you don't do it every day. After all, we like to shop, and when you do, you're gonna be bringin' something home! (:

  8. Frugally Retired
    Frugally Retired says:

    Yummy video. I also purchased the cheap russet potatoes and made potato salad to go with pulled hot chicken sandwiches for a few days and loaded potatoes for a few lunches. I still have the sale meatballs and that is on next weeks dinner list – meatball sandwiches (working through the freezer meat). I also put a few in homemade Italian sausage spaghetti (frozen leftovers) to stretch the sausage. Fry's/Kroger mega sale coming up so hoping to find some canned goods (tomatoes, beans) to replenish the pantry. Looks like you also got the sale pop chips – my favorite. Have a wonderful week.

  9. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Aww you old romantic Tim. Heart shaped toast! Your potato soup looked yummy! Family birthday celebrations are fun. We celebrated one of my grandsons 3rd Birthday on the weekend. Happy day from Sally and the fur crew!😊💗

    GENERATE AN Z says:

    Potato soup looked wonderful. My mouth waters over that fruit pie. My kids are hanging over my shoulder watching the recipe ("Mom can we go get some cheese for our soup?" LOL) That's the first heart toast I've ever seen, sooo cute.

  11. Massachusetts Prepper
    Massachusetts Prepper says:

    One things for sure Stacy when I watch your what's for did her videos I always finish the video being very hungry. And those loaded potato wedges that Tim was having I could make myself a meal out of those. And even though your dessert did not turn out the way it was supposed to I'm sure it was still wonderful with a little bit of vanilla ice cream. At least they look good to me anyway. And it looks like someone got a little bit ahead of themselves that birthday cake 😂 thanks for sharing my friends.


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