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whatsfordinner #easydinnerrecipes #easychickenrecipes What’s for dinner days are everyone’s favorite day of the week! Thank you so much for coming by for …

27 replies
  1. Crystal Evans
    Crystal Evans says:

    My girls love pizza and how awesome it's free for kids love that. I am hoping find the tyson chicken they look so good. I am going to give the chicken thighs a try I have some and hubby love chicken thighs. Also we love tacos we just had some over the weekend but we never get tired of tacos lol. What an great tip to add tortilla chips to a salad. Great what's for dinner 💕

  2. Alikatt S
    Alikatt S says:

    Not sure if anyone else has said this, but another idea for your mushrooms. Make up an au jus packet as directed on packet, add some Worcestershire sauce, and just pour over mushrooms in a baking dish. Bake for 15 to 20 min in 400 degree oven. Or until your desired doneness. We usually use leftover sauce for crockpot roasts. No waste! I've also done this in air fryer. Just let marinate in sauce for a bit, then pour into "pouch" of aluminum foil, just have to be careful not to puncture foil, and you won't need to put all the sauce in foil. Airfry for about 8-10 min. SO good!

  3. Let's Cook Ya'll
    Let's Cook Ya'll says:

    Your kids are so cute and photogenic Carole! Yummy, love the sauteed mushrooms and girl, you have SO MUCH more willpower than me, it's hard to eat a burger in lettuce and no bun, I always have great intentions but usually cave 🙂 Grilled chicken salad looks great too (no cilantro please, it tastes like dish soap to me, boo). Your sticky chicken looks amazing, great flavors and I love the cast iron skillet. You guys are eating so healthy, way to go! Sheet pan dinners are such a great weeknight option and your chicken tacos/fajitas look amazing. What a great tortilla helper you have 🙂 Oh wow, there you go again, so much discipline, just a small tiny handful of chips that you crushed up, my plate would be loaded with tortilla chips, LOL! Great looking meals y'all! Have a wonderful and truly blessed day —Stacy 😍💚

  4. Patricia Paquette
    Patricia Paquette says:

    I love mushrooms and salads too!!! Since my husbands radiation for his throat cancer, his taste buds have never been the same.. Things he used to like he hates and vise versa, but they also change all the time…..so darn frustrating!! He cant stand lettuce, he says it tastes really sour.. So, that's defiantly a great idea and reminder, to pull myself a salad with things I would normally make. Everything you made looked so good!!!

  5. Georgina H
    Georgina H says:

    I just found your channel and I love it – so glad I have found someone that doesn’t use bell peppers! my husband is allergic and they are in so many what’s for dinner recipes!

  6. Original Cali Girl
    Original Cali Girl says:

    We been eating alot more salad lately to. I crave it more I think I has something to do with the weather starting to warm up a lil bit. When its freezing I dont want salad as much. There are good. I'm a ranch girl but I'm been dabbin in blue cheese lately. Not the bottle crap. And its bomb. Yummm

  7. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Sauteed mushroom/onions on a burger with some bacon is my favorite. I sautee my mushrooms/onions in butter with a pinch of salt, black pepper, fesh garlic and towaed the end I add a capful of Jack Daniels and cook the alcohol out.


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