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34 replies
  1. Dee W
    Dee W says:

    Me and my family are obsessed with Laura Vitale! I went reallll deep down her channel during lockdown last year 😂 omg I made everything (carbs 🥴). Pretzels, breads, damn. Girl knows her way around a carbohydrate, no? Lol 😆 Thank you for making a keto version of her recipe! And you look bomb as always. Love ya girl 🖤

  2. Kasey Price
    Kasey Price says:

    I love this idea for a series on your channel. Recipes made by chefs on Bon Appetit or Food Network or wherever that happen to have low carb macros but aren’t made specifically for any type of diet. I love that because you don’t feel like you’re missing out on the “real thing” and it still feels authentic and not like you’re being deprived of something. It’s sometimes difficult to weed through those sites/channels to find keto friendly options, so for you to feature that kind of recipe on your channel would be informative/helpful and super fun!

  3. Dawn Nolan
    Dawn Nolan says:

    Italian over here!! Can’t wait to try!! In learning to cook because of you. Lol.i know how to make the traditional way, but had to quit making it since going keto. Awesome alternative!! Looks delicious!! Try adding ground beef or Italian sausage

  4. Tracy RN_here
    Tracy RN_here says:

    Loving your channel! Found you recently as I searched Patricia Columbo/murders. Reconnected with some of my cousins recently due to deaths of our parents, etc. I had asked my one cousin about a house they lived in in Chicago in 1977-1978 and we went there for a wedding when I was 8 years old. I woke one night to hearing our parents talking in the kitchen. I walked out there and my mom rushed me back to bed. It was late I was 8, lol. I recall hearing something about murders?? Anywho, fast forward 44 years chatting with my cousin I asked. She said yeah, my parents bought a house in Dec of 1977. She then said Patricia Columbo murders, etc… and told me a bit about it. Come to find out the said room my two brothers and I were sleeping in was the room Patricia's Brother was murdered. Very interesting to hear your video! Gave me chills up my spine knowing the story now behind that night I heard our parents talking about the murder.

    Oh and I'm doing keto also! Definately gonna try this recipe! TFS!!


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