WHAT'S FOR DINNER? | 1-Week Of Real-Life Family Meal Ideas

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Hey friends, in today’s video I’m sharing all of our dinners from the past week. We had some really good dinners this week. Let me …

32 replies
  1. Nurolinx
    Nurolinx says:

    Hello Taylor and family. Love your honesty, transparency and positivity. We’re going to try the shepherds pie but with canned chicken.
    It seems like that pork crockpot recipe might not have been a favorite. Was it too watery? It looked good though.
    Praying for all that’s going on in the world 🙏🙏🙏
    Many blessings 🕊🕊🕊

  2. Holly Grimes
    Holly Grimes says:

    Great meals this week Taylor! It feels like the world has been heavy for the last couple of years. Boring is A-OK with me and if we could get there, that would be nice!

  3. If The Creek Don't Rise
    If The Creek Don't Rise says:

    I grew up eating the green beans, potatoes, and smoked sausage. When I make mine, I brown up the smoked sausage first before I put in the green beans and potatoes. I just think it gives it some extra flavor. Great meals in this video!

  4. c c
    c c says:

    I'm not a fan of the "biscuit-style" pot pie recipes..so your "turkey shepards pie" is the perfect solution. I also prefer potatoes to bread/crusts, so double win 🏆It really looks SO DELICIOUS to me. All your meals did!/always do!

  5. Jenny Temple
    Jenny Temple says:

    Something that always sticks out to me is that you always say I am a stay at home wife and mom. So many of us see it as a “stay at home mom” but love how you describe it. My husband works so hard so that I can be at home with the children. Thank you for being you❤️

  6. Ãü Barb
    Ãü Barb says:

    Green beans and potatoes cooked together were a staple side dish in my family growing up. I'm going to have to try it with the smoked sausage added, that looks really good!
    And I cook my boneless chicken breast in a cast iron like you do too, it's so good that way. I like to keep some in the fridge to throw in a salad, on a sandwich, or even just to snack on.

  7. Shelly Turner
    Shelly Turner says:

    I have dietary restrictions for a few days for a medical procedure, so everything looked even better than usual. Thanks for reminding me I have a pork loin buried in the freezer!

  8. Robin Hamrick
    Robin Hamrick says:

    These recipes look delicious. Definitely motivation for me. I've been in a rut lately. I think sometimes I just forget how easy it is to cook for myself, even though I've been doing this my whole life. Thank you for sharing these recipes and have a wonderful week.

  9. Darlene Batts
    Darlene Batts says:

    Happy Sunday Taylor. Lilly is getting so Big. She enjoys helping her Momma cook. How Cute. Everything Looked Delicious. Thanks for sharing. God Bless Y'all 🙏. Love From Indiana.


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