What We're Eating For Thanksgiving: Easy Vegan Holiday Recipes

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Try SunWarrior limited edition Pumpkin Spice Protein and Peppermint Bark Collagen Protein Peptides, and other vegan protein & supplements (use …

22 replies
  1. Jan Moran
    Jan Moran says:

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you as always for sharing your beautiful recipes, last year I think I made 2 or 3 of them at Thanksgiving and they were delicious. Max is so cute in how he dives in to all your food 😘

  2. Teresa Segadelli
    Teresa Segadelli says:

    Loved all the recipes!!!! Want to order the Collagen Peppermint Bark to try, but do not see that flavor listed on your link or when I go to Sun Warrior website. Any ideas where to find it? Thanks

  3. meagan dorsey
    meagan dorsey says:

    Yay I’m excited I get asked all the time what are you doing for the holidays? I’m trying to veganize pernil for my partner. I’m thinking brined jackfruit so fingers crossed I hope it works💜🌻 I can’t wait to try and make a stuffing with the Schar gluten free bread I found it’s so nice. I just need to find chestnuts they are eluding me this year.😊

  4. Denise Mastromina
    Denise Mastromina says:

    I love your channel and Love your recipes but I make this no knead bread recipe regularly, and your loaf didn't rise up it was half the usual size I am wondering why. I usually put 1 tspn of salt and use regular flour. Does someone have any tips why the yeast died and it didn't rise ?? Could it be the salt or the flour ? I have never used gluten free flour I would love any tips on this please as I was thinking of trying glutan free but I'm wondering now whether just to carry on with (normal) flour.

  5. Starlight Girl
    Starlight Girl says:

    You're saving my keister with these fantastic recipes! I have family coming to town and was at a loss for some new healthy things to try. I can't wait to make the bread and mashed potatoes! Max has convinced me to try the pumpkin nicecream too😂

  6. Anamaria Angel
    Anamaria Angel says:

    Oh my goodness definitely will have to try out that simple bread recipe you shared 😍 Bet adding some shredded vegan cheese would make it extra yummy for whenever one is feeling like being extra hehe Much love to such a beautiful family 💕


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