What We Eat As A Vegan Family of Four + How We Live Toxin-Free At Home

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Thank you to Molekule air purifiers for keeping our home and the air we breathe, toxin-free AND for sponsoring this video. Use EATMOVEREST for 10% off at …

28 replies
  1. Praising Servant
    Praising Servant says:

    Hey guys, you are doing great with the shift on your channel to promote your affiliates for lifestyle wellness. That is not an easy thing to do, but you guys are really a great family to do that-small children, current situation in the world. These products definitely help people. DEFINITELY don't worry about missing church, just don't miss Jesus! Jesus isn't the church, and definitely not a church where the Bible is adulterated! He loves you with an eternal love, all we have to do is reach out to Him! A little time in His Word is a great thing too. I pray for blessings on your ventures!!

  2. Annik Mendez
    Annik Mendez says:

    Thank you for your vulnerability and thank you for sharing so so much knowledge and some of the most beautiful foods I have ever seen and tasted. Always inspired by you guys. I know it's not always easy and I think one of the biggest issues is that families have very little support. That's why living in community makes so much sense to me. It TAKES A VILLAGE. We are not meant to live alone in our boxes it so unnatural.We are meant to so this together<3 Maybe see if you can team up with a family and a couple times a week you can take their kids and other times they can take yours ( prob need to get Liv used to bottles some times) which I am sure you thought of) that way you have support and have some alone time and some date time with your love.You can even team up with a few families and do this. hope this helps sending so much love and gratitude your way. Thank you for your service you are so loved and appreciated.

  3. Layla Darby
    Layla Darby says:

    Lovely family, don't be afraid to ask for help, if possible get grandparents to sit with babies for a hour just so you get some me time,even a shower and wash your hair seems like a marathon when you have tiny babies. All the best peace and love.

  4. Lynn Osborne
    Lynn Osborne says:

    Erin, I love you to pieces, but in this video you speak of "worry" so much. That can take a toll on your body, also, beyond the toxins. And I really don't think any of us give the human body the credit it deserves. It is a mighty machine, and I think it can take care of us better than we think it can. And ya know, you can try to do everything right, I have no problem with that, but still it is not a perfect world and things can go wrong. You can buy all the expensive gadgets, have all the right products, and do all the "right" things and the body can still break down. I think so much worry and fear about the world around us is not healthy. I guess as one perfectionist here…I see the same in you. All of this you already know…and I love your honesty. A lot of the sites I view for health and fitness do tend to show the viewers ONLY their most perfect life. And what that does to the person viewing is make them feel less than. I love you guys because of your honesty. I honestly like to see the messiness of daily life. It makes me feel more human and makes you guys look more human, too.

  5. lindsey gardner
    lindsey gardner says:

    I just love your little family. I first need to know where your sunglasses are from?! Also how do you suggest prepping to take meals to work. My husband and I both work outside the home and then in the evenings we are both tired and we have a toddler that is constantly go go go. We want to do the vegan lifestyle we just find it hard to prep for

  6. Stephanie Waskoenig
    Stephanie Waskoenig says:

    If it’s in any way possible, get an actual full night alone! We took turns having a night out with friends then staying in a hotel or with friends. (In fact, gearing up for such a weekend with a close friend who is a mother of 3 and needs a night away.) We took it in turns so no jealousy issues arose and it was super helpful. Even just planning such a night/weekend was incredible fun and was instantaneous relief.

  7. Tiffany Zurc
    Tiffany Zurc says:

    Love your videos ! Awesome family . Try to make church a priority on Sundays . You’ll be glad you made church a priority. God will also give EXTRA blessings for the day! Love you guys. Try listening to Relevant Radio 0930 AM. It’s catholic radio but it’s for everyone .

  8. Steff A
    Steff A says:

    Honest question here- how do you deal with combined family vacations when other people don’t eat like you do? Do you cook separately then? Thinking along the lines of family grilling meats and hot dogs, etc.
    also attending parties where you know people serve a lot of processed foods. Thanks!

  9. Mindy
    Mindy says:

    Thankyou so much for the video. Very informative. Also what is the cookbook you have in your video. Cant see it that well. In the beginning next to the bananas. Thankyou. God Bless

  10. Hayley Sunnex
    Hayley Sunnex says:

    You guys are doing so great! All very normal feelings and thought patterns when #2 comes along 💜 Keep doing what you're doing, it all gets easier in time 🤗 You're a beautiful family and your videos are always inspiring. Thank you for sharing and God bless you all 🥰

  11. Silvia Maslarova
    Silvia Maslarova says:

    I love the fact that you also share your daily life struggles.
    Makes the videos much more likeable and relatable!

    I truly enjoy following your journey and watching your family grow and learn.
    Your home feels warm, safe and filled with love, understanding and respect. It truly is a beautiful place.
    Well, at least through the screen 🙂
    Much love to you guys!

  12. Gem Ini
    Gem Ini says:

    You asked, and from someone who married a man with a 3 year old daughter, someone who had a son at 36, then a daughter just 12 months later, I would suggest to keep life as simple as possible ,and try different routines until you find one that works best. Be as flexible as possible, and have a Plan B for certain situations. Hire a babysitter to just be with you while you're home so you can keep a watchful eye, especially if you can't catch up on chores or other things that need to be taken care of. Hire a housekeeper periodically to take care of specific projects that take up too much of your time, such as changing and washing sheets, cleaning out the refrigerator, cleaning the bathroom, etc. Keep a journal or notebook, and jot down what you've done that day, and make changes, if necessary, if things didn't go well. I know this is easier said than done, but try and tire your toddler out by having him help you around the house, which kids like to do at that age, and have him walk instead of sitting in a stroller. These days may seem like they never end, but they actually pass by very quickly. My son had ADHD, and instead of putting him on medication, I relied on my intuition and did as much for him as possible including teaching him differently at home with regard to homework. I was fortunate to already be living a healthier lifestyle with regard to eating and toxins in cleaning and body care products when my kids came along, and I decided to bring them up as vegetarians with the support of my husband. I also relied on my local health food store owner before taking my kids to a doctor to see if they could benefit from holistic, herbal or other non-toxic remedies, and a lot of time they did.

  13. Valery do Campo
    Valery do Campo says:

    As a mom of 4 small children, I would say minimalism has been essential in staying sane! These are the things that have helped:
    Doing no spend months (obviously you still buy groceries and pay bills lol)
    10 item wardrobe (best thing- the daily connoisseur on youtube and get her first two books)
    Minimalism (it cleared up SO much of my time spent daily just managing stuff)
    Daily rhythm instead of strict schedule
    Keep a weekly menu (we make the same thing every week but with variations, Monday is teriyaki, taco tuesday, sushi bowl Wednesday, burrito bowl Thursday, pasta Friday…)
    Just remember that less stuff equals more time! And kids play much better with less toys.
    Madison Gray on youtube is my favorite for family minimalism 👍
    Oh and quitting facebook and instagram clears up a lot of time and mental energy

  14. Sil C
    Sil C says:

    Beautiful family! Beautiful content!
    Loving all the videos you make, find so much inspiration and knowledge. Thank you also for keeping it real, that actually makes me appreciate you all even more. Keep on doing what you’re doing. Your recipes are bomb and so healthy, always so colorful and vibrant. I always look forward to your new videos, and soaking up all your knowledge. God bless your gorgeous family ♥️

  15. Nicole Ruthven
    Nicole Ruthven says:

    You both are beautiful, wise parents, you definitely get a high five from me. What you are both doing at your age for yourselves and your family is amazing! Sure, we all make mistake, the important part is to learn and keep growing from those mistakes and to be gentle with ourselves. As for church, God is within us and everywhere around us…praying from home is just as good as going to church if you ask me….God asks us to pray, love him and to love one another, to be kind, compassionate, understanding and everything else that falls under the umbrella of this beautiful word call LOVE. Love your videos and your recipes…oh and Max and Olivia are soooo cute 🙂 Blessings to you both.

  16. Luisa Leonardi
    Luisa Leonardi says:

    Could you kindly make a sort of a shopping list to make us able to put together the right, tasty and, most of all, healthy things. Thank you so much. I love your determination in eat move and rest.


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