What We Ate Today + Pregnancy Self-Care (Plant-Based Mom of 2, almost 3)!

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OSEA Malibu – Try the new Collagen Dream Night Cream!! (EATMOVEREST10 for 10% off): https://bit.ly/3DkfJ4D START HERE …

43 replies
  1. @franciscachesca
    @franciscachesca says:

    Less perfect = perfect

    Personally I don't like it when I see a picture perfect life. Just because I know I can never ever manage to live that perfect myself. So I love this vibe and I want to say you look relaxed and gorgious.

    And love the salad btw😊

  2. @NaturalRhythmss
    @NaturalRhythmss says:

    Watch all your guys videos they are inspiring and I sm current pregnant with baby number two within weeks of you by chance.•°♡ this was my absolute favorite.•°☆ we spend our new year ✨️ the exact same way spend the day together as rebels doing what feels good to allow the new to come through focusing on what's most important ✨️ whatever our heart wants and needs and everything Evolutionary comes from this heart following and honoring ❤️‍🔥💫

  3. @nadege_diercks
    @nadege_diercks says:

    I really loved how the video began, vlog style! Inspiring as always and I personnaly chose surrender as my word this year, in the sense of surrendering my burdens to God and just be confident that all that must be will be, that I am a cocreator of my life but I have to give it and surrender it to Him and not be a control freak, which only lead to burnout for me. I really loved what you say about being not perfect, and just being ourselves, I really need more of that this year! Wishing you all a beautiful year of 2024!

  4. @heyajoy
    @heyajoy says:

    Awesome 🙂 I recommend using a bamboo whisk for your matcha instead of metal. Something about the metal binds to the tea and makes it taste a little metalic to me..also doesent fully get rid of the clumps. LOVE these videos. No need to re-invent the wheel <3

  5. @MilaDanceSport
    @MilaDanceSport says:

    Really fun video! Happy New Year! Did you guys by chance see Dr. Greger's recent video talking about him no longer using bananas with berries in the same meal (smoothie) because of that new study that came out about bananas containing something that prevents certain polyphenols from absorbing… We switched over here to using frozen mangos in our smoothies. Just in case you haven't noticed and wanted to check out. <3

  6. @bettyscott4761
    @bettyscott4761 says:

    Always so good… God just gave me my word for the year…. "gleaning." With all the information I take in everyday through so many avenues, I am left sorting out or "gleaning" how much of it He intends for me to retain and take to heart.

    Quick question:
    Do you guys have any experience with a kitchen item called a Flaker. It turns oatmeal groats into oatmeal flakes, the thicker old fashion oats style. This method retains all the nutrients that get lost with industrial steaming and processing. I know steel cut are the most natural, but I'm curious on this item called a Flaker and wondered what your thoughts were. Thank you! 🕊

  7. @penneywoods1812
    @penneywoods1812 says:

    My word is intent. Very much the same reasons you mentioned. I read somewhere to try to be 1% better than you were yesterday. It’s easier for us to gradually improve than to try to change our life overnight

  8. @mmschwartz84
    @mmschwartz84 says:

    I feel the same way about the notion of being "different" or suddenly "better" when the New Year hits. I was incredibly grumpy on New Year's Day… and I know it was because of the internal pressure I felt to suddenly take on all these new healthy habits and be a better version of me. The reality is that change comes in incremental steps… it is not all or nothing or all at once. My word for the year is Truth… mainly to be true to myself and share my truth with those who love me. My truth is that I have already made so many positive and impactful changes in my life over the past year, and that I will continue to build on those day by day. That is enough. I am enough. Thank you for your inspiring words and videos. I wish all the best for you and your growing family in 2024 and beyond ❤

  9. @scwendy6302
    @scwendy6302 says:

    My word is: Simplify

    In all areas as much as I can, I will simplify. I am navigating one of the most challenging periods of my life (coming up on a year now) with no sign of anything letting up. So I need to let go where I can and simplify as much as possible where I can!

    I offer it up for the souls in purgatory. I know God is refining me❤😊

  10. @ta1424
    @ta1424 says:

    @erinstanzyck, I recently went into Ulta and they are now carrying OSEA so I tried it. It feels like the ocean on my face. Does that make sense? I have also began doing red light therapy every day at my gym and I love it. My word for the year is Simplify. Plant based eating can be simple. The less ingredients the better. It really can’t get any more simple. Oh, and your baby bump is so cute! You look radiant and beautiful!

  11. @candicec2294
    @candicec2294 says:

    I love your videos. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and inviting us into your home.
    I love Osea for body, but I’m curious about the face wash. How is it with removing make-up?

  12. @ashleymcdaniel6188
    @ashleymcdaniel6188 says:

    Love yalls videos! I’m slowly trying to change my skin care products out to healthy options would love to try osea but would have to purchase 1-2 things at a time. What would you recommend to start with I love a moisturizer on before my makeup, also do you have your makeup linked?

  13. @dawnreynolds2991
    @dawnreynolds2991 says:

    I love the idea of one word for our new year. I can say my word is peace. I will continue to cultivate peace in my life, oh my your blueberry oats look delicious I may have to make them this morning I have all the ingredients. Happy Saturday

  14. @Kimberly.Storyteller
    @Kimberly.Storyteller says:

    Those blueberry oats do look yummy!
    My favorite fruit is strawberries, and we've entered the time of year that makes it challenging to find them.
    Wish I liked them frozen; it would make life easier. LOL!
    I can't believe how far along you are; it won't be long now.
    Happy New Year!🖤

  15. @jeniisabellarodriguez8150
    @jeniisabellarodriguez8150 says:

    just finished watching your video- I have been using Osea for I guess 2 years now- I love telling people how old I am they are amazed! I was born and raised in south Florida and went to the beach everyday- my father and grandfather used to say that the beach heals you- the salt air is the best air to breathe, the water for swimming and the salt heals you , and walking on the beach is great exercise (plus the sand makes your feet super smooth) you eat the food that grows around you coconuts, mangos, avocados to name a few and a garden to grow more . I love your videos, can’t wait for the next one ! sending you love and light-


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