What we ate this week -Pantry Challenge Edition

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8 replies
  1. Bettie Gambrill
    Bettie Gambrill says:

    the hot oven baked the veggies beautifully in my opinion, if you remember you could turn it up in the last 10 minutes. I get the excess condiments from my DIL's home delivered meals-saves me buying sauce ingredients about half the time! I hate food wastage. I'll have to look up those wide noodles, can you eat the wide rice noodles that you buy from Asian stores from the fridge section?

  2. Ron and Patti Telfer
    Ron and Patti Telfer says:

    We just have porridge with frozen berries and homemade oat milk everyday for breakfast. If we have morning and afternoon tea it is just an apple or piece of fruit. Lunch is usually a small salad and one piece of homemade flat bread. Dinner changes. Mostly a bowl of vegetables and maybe tofu, crumbed cauliflower or lentil loaf. We are not desert people. Yours look very nice.

  3. Emma Gray
    Emma Gray says:

    Everything looks great! I have my own baskets (one gluten & one gf) Im making my way through as well. Kids are loving the mish mash meals more than a standard meal its been great!


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