What was inside my son’s party favor box?

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49 replies
  1. S S
    S S says:

    As a decidedly not a child, I would LOVE TO HAVE THOSE ITEMS lmaoo
    I just know if I had gotten this goodie bag as a child, I would've gone bonkers with joy, it's so good

  2. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    Things like these are so exciting lol . I just finished up making Valentine's baggies for my kid's classmates total of 45 students and I got everything on Amazon !! I loveee doing these things makes the kids happy 😌🙂❣️

  3. Carina&Landyn
    Carina&Landyn says:

    Cute !! Way better than CANDY. But yes those batteries are dangerous. I saw a long time that a baby swallowed one and basically eating her inside out and she passed. Be careful you guys !

  4. Bobby Jones
    Bobby Jones says:

    Damn! I remember the loot bags back in our days, all we had was candies and little tiny games. Looking at your son's party box, I'm so jealous 😂… Oh how I wish I was a kid again 😀…

  5. SaraFara
    SaraFara says:

    When have we become a country of soooo much consumerism and unnecessary material junk? Man. A bday is a bday. Just let kids enjoy themselves. Event planning too? My gosh.

  6. ClassyJohn
    ClassyJohn says:

    that box is pretty cool… I would've loved to have gotten that as a kid so good job! Actually, I kind of want that now as an adult… the doodling pad is what i want the most LOL

  7. Impetuous Porkus
    Impetuous Porkus says:

    Wow that’s such a great party favor box!!! Very good point about the battery compartment being insecure. Pets and kids can accidentally consume button batteries, which is life threatening. Might have to post a warning to parents who haven’t gone through the favors like you have.


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