What to eat on Keto to lose weight | Keto Day of Eating for weightless | Weight update | janetgreta

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Today I share with you what I eat on a Keto day. I also share my macros for each meal, as well as my total macros for the day. Be sure to let me know if you would …

28 replies
  1. Thp III
    Thp III says:

    You need to read cholesterol clarity , and the great cholesterol myth. A statin is a waste of money and a thief of health his joints will hurt and muscles will ache, if he does take them you need to replace the coq10 that is steals. Same for blood pressure control with diet not drugs ( I understand short term use is beneficial) Do research on cholesterol not just total but individual numbers as a whole. First thing to do cut out, beer, grains, sugar, you can chose a little duller culinary life now, or live it up and hope someone is willing to take care of you later. I would guess your husband has fatty liver, and possibly fatty tongue which is the cause of sleep apnea. Cant stress enough dont trust a doctor do your own research you may find all kind of lies or laziness.

  2. Pamela Levesque
    Pamela Levesque says:

    I was at a wedding today, so am just now getting to your video! They served raspberry cream cake, which was hard to watch, but I knew that as soon as I got home, I could take a piece of psmf bread, add sugar free jam and whipped cream…and voila! Almost as good! PSMF saves the day, once again. Thanks for the Jimmy update. That is very impressive that his macros are only "7!" Such a funny guy. I hope his health issues can be resolved very soon. How did your vax go? Did you have any side effects? My hubby and I are up this week for the second shot. And I'm so happy that Jenna and Cove will be reunited! A girl needs her pup, for sure. See you next time, xo

  3. Andrea D. RN
    Andrea D. RN says:

    Between Keto & taking non flush niacin at bedtime. My triglycerides went from over 450 to 120! I’m happy with that! I have a genetic heart issue & I have had most heart tests done. My CAC (calcium artery channel scoring) was ZERO! My cardiologist was shocked by that! I refuse to take statins anymore because of the side effects that I had.

  4. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    So sorry Jimmy. Keto. My l.d.l. (bad) went down, my h.d.l. (good) doubled, total cholesterol went down, triglycerides went from 275 down to 90 in 8 months on keto. Dr. Cywes, carb addiction doctor, says he can think of no conceivable situation in which he would EVER prescribe statins. My husband is not quite keto but he did concede to low carb for his weight. Bonus for me my dangerous high blood pressure is now normal and my husband, on low carb is on half his meds on his way to NO meds.

  5. karen leclerc
    karen leclerc says:

    Did they check him for hyperparathyroidism, not to be confused with thyroid issues, it's completely different. I had never heard of it till last year. For years my mom had unbelievably high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I think a lot of doctors don't think to check for it.

  6. Lisa Leonard
    Lisa Leonard says:

    Congratulations on 5000 😊. How was Jimmy’s stress test? Not sure if you follow Dr Berry. He has some good videos on this subject. Wish you the best with working on your heart health, very important stuff. ❤️

  7. Kimberley Jackshaw
    Kimberley Jackshaw says:

    today I made a yogurt chia pudding if you want to try it just use coconut milk I used almond milk

    – 1 cup Silk coconut milk
    – 1 cup greek yogurt plain or vanilla full fat or low/no fat whatever you can get
    – 2 to 2.5 tablespoons of sugar free syrup
    -pumpkin pie spice to taste
    – couple pinches of salt

    – mix all those together until blended

    – add 1/4 cup of chia seeds

    – stir those in and let sit in the fridge until it's thick

    Put in a container with fruit or even dry low carb cereal or something like that

    makes 4 servings.

  8. Hollyhock
    Hollyhock says:

    I was with Jimmy on not knowing what Shark Week was…I have only heard that Aunt Flo came for a visit. 😜 I thought it was a week on tv with shark movies or something, which didn't fit the context, but I honestly have never heard it referring to our period.
    I know Jimmy doesn't follow your diet. Would carnivore be more his thing? The reason I ask is, keto/carnivore often corrects cholesterol and high blood pressure. He would probably lean up which would get rid of sleep apnea too. The long-term affects of cholesterol-lowering drugs on brain health are concerning…increases risks of dementia and Alzheimers; also some studies have shown they aren't as heart-protective as they are touted to be. Do your own research, but Dr. Ken Berry and several cardiology centers or docs that now recommend low carb for heart health too can be found on YT. Dr. Eric Berg has some short videos on this as do The Diet Doctors. I believe I even watched one from the cardiologists at the Mayo Clinic that are now rarely prescribing statins for cholesterol-lowering purposes only.
    As you well know, you cannot want it bad enough for someone else. Hopefully if you can find some videos that Jimmy would watch, he will want to try some changes himself. If he wants to try some dietary changes, I personally would ask my doc to give me 3 months, re-check my bloodwork, and re-evaluate prescription recommendations. Unfortunately some people ( like my dad), prefer to take pills instead of trying to fix the cause…hopefully Jimmy is not like that. If he doesn't like going to the doc, the more RXs he's on, the more visits he'll have. 😉

  9. Tamera Niessen-Byers
    Tamera Niessen-Byers says:

    Good morning Greta and everyone, My name is Tamera Niessen, I am living in Salem Oregon I am enjoying your channel you are level headed and very polite.I have many cousins in Canada my family migrated during the War.I have been Keto for 21 months and love the challenge. Thanks for the hands up!🥰🌹

  10. Joely’s Journey
    Joely’s Journey says:

    Janet – I would love to see your “re-feed” day! I only count my macros on my PSMF days (M, W, F) but I think I need to keep track on the other days. I bet I’m eating as many macros on those days that you eat on your re-feed day! I’m losing but not as fast as I’d like!

  11. MagickalMe
    MagickalMe says:

    Oh gosh, first time I responded to your video before watching in it’s entirety, went back an edited my first comment but this one needs more attention. I live in Northern NJ & I have been searching for a doc who understands Keto for nearly a year. For about 5 or 6 years I had been on a statin & eventually my body was cramping or having muscle spasm’s regularly & they would take my breath away. Started Keto in Nov 2019 & my ldl got worse so my doc put me on a once a month injectable & I stopped taking it for the past 3 months because I am listening to Dr. Eric Westman, MD…Dr Cywes, MD & Maria & Craig Emmerich’s video’s on this subject. The key is your triglyceride number & your CAC — checks calcium in your arteries. If Jimmy hasn’t gone yet for his blood work, see if they can add that test. It can be a scary concern & decision. I still go back & forth about it. One simple thing I did do however was I did decrease my fat intake. When you start keto you really need that added fat but I found for me it’s not necessary. I have also reduced cheeses & no longer use full fat ones when I eat them sparingly. Glad to hear Jimmy’s heart is good. Years ago I had upper chest crippling pain & it was actually a digestive issue in the lower esophageal area. My gastro doc put me on a medication that was basically a digestive tract relaxant when I felt it coming on. Since Keto, not one episode. Good luck! 💜🕉

  12. Christa Wild
    Christa Wild says:

    I’d be interested to know your macros for your normal keto and refeed days please. I’ve recently stated 2 psmf days but have noticed that on my off days I now just eat way too much, much more than I normally eat on my keto/low carb days. Psmf just seems to really mess with my satiety levels on the off days. Think I might just have to stop psmf and try and do a 24hr fast once a week instead. I’m finding it extremely challenging to lose the final 25 pounds…

  13. kaylah L
    kaylah L says:

    New subscriber here! I found your channel from your psmf recipes. I would love to see and just know more about your eating structure, including the refeed day. I have been on keto for 2 1/2 years (next month). I lost 70 lbs my first year and when the gyms closed for covid I slowly put about 16 lbs back on. It seemed so easy to lose weight in the beginning but it has been very difficult to even lose a pound or 2. I know I am in need of some sort of modified plan but not sure where to go from here. I have seen other Youtubers I watch doing carb cycling but that scares the crap out of me, I feel like that would help pack in the pounds. Anyways, would love to know how you modified your plan along the way. 💜

  14. MagickalMe
    MagickalMe says:

    Yes, re-feed confuses me a bit & what do you find is your reasoning for doing it for instance: have you done this for a long time? Did you start when you were in maintenance & continued when you gained a little bit back etc. Thanks Greta. Woo hoo on hitting 5,000 + 👏🎉


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