What to do with a Zucchini Glut! | Zucchini Butter and Large Batch Fritters | Off Grid Australia 102

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Hey Everyone! Zucchini Galore! Zucchini Butter and Zucchini Fritters today! Two of our faves but I only normally make it in summer …

21 replies
  1. Nerissa Rowan
    Nerissa Rowan says:

    I could have used that pillow case tip when making zucchini pie the other day — the previous one was a bit too moist with the gluten free flour, but after removing some extra liquid it worked perfectly.

  2. WV Girl Mel
    WV Girl Mel says:

    Hey! I hope everyone is doing well and having a great day! I am definitely making both of these! I will let you know how it goes, lol. I was wondering if you could add potatoes to the zucchini cakes? I think it would be delicious, I just wonder if the zucchini would just mush because it would take the potatoes longer to cook. I think I'm just gonna try it and see how it goes, lol.

  3. Countrymouse's Farmhouse
    Countrymouse's Farmhouse says:

    Those zuchini fritters look and sound delicious. I thought I would make that 1870s zuchini bread jam but then I actually wondered if I would eat it , so I haven't yet. Never mind , zuchini gets used pretty quickly here . 4 big ones in tonight's ratatouille and pasta for dinner tonight and just a few left for apple zuchini bread to go in the freezer. Yummo. Looks like you found an angle that works for your camera. Thanks for sharing lovely 💚

  4. lea preston
    lea preston says:

    Nice I will definately make the butter this season I froze heaps last year and made zucchini relish I think adding some nuts and calling it pesto could work as well especially with pasta and I'm going to pull some frozen out and add pumpkin and see if we enjoy it that way with heaps of sage in risotto I think dinner sorted thankyou very much


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