What The Longest Living People Eat Every Day | Blue Zone Kitchen Author Dan Buettner

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The foods that people living to 100+ — in Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece and Loma Linda, CA. (aka Blue Zones) — eat.

40 replies
  1. Devanshi Batavia
    Devanshi Batavia says:

    Moral of the story you want to live longer and healthy all you have to do is turn Vegetarian. People I see no meat in any of these countries that's because we all know how bad it is so if you do eat any kind of meat stop now! you have no idea what it does to your body its like Karma you kill them it kills you slowly.
    I am a vegetarian since birth and so is my entire family and my Grandparents are still so healthy at the age of 87 and 89 no Blood pressure, no Diabetes, no heart issues, no surgeries what did they eat veggies and whole wheat diet more of greens and turmeric everyday. No processed food, No late night parties, no street food or junk food, fresh home made butter fresh cooked food and less is more. Your stomach does not need more food you should always eat less than your hunger is what I have learnt from my Grandfather

  2. Anonymous Honest
    Anonymous Honest says:

    As long as 80% of our foods and vegetables and other stuff GENETICALLY ENGENERED, then no one will live passed 80 to 90 years of age. Those people who live long like my own mothers uncle who died in age 110 with natural causes, are grown up with natural sources of food with no hormones, no chemicals, and no artificial garbage. My mothers uncle used to put his bread inside melted butter and eat it just like that and he had ZERO cholesterol. His memory was intact and extremely in perfect condition. He started to change teeth and grow new ones in his mouth. He could walk 4 floor the stairs up and down every day and he used to go to his doctor on foot for many kilometres.

  3. Meagan Robinson
    Meagan Robinson says:

    my step fathers family were all American born chinese, seventh day adventists and all of them went to loma linda and were doctors. They ate More Morning star processed soy than I've ever seen. i have heard a good lot of them have joint issues and mental illness. definitely sociopathic and narcissistic behaviours which from my own understanding is primarily DUE to vitamin deficiencies. some of them were lovely people but a lot of meat eating shaming. im sure they did not stay true to their roots, but generalizing can be misleading.

  4. Brenda Stolecki
    Brenda Stolecki says:

    Seventh Day Adventists are NOT CHRISTIANS. They do NOT have the same fundamental beliefs. They are a cult. They teach that God had a wife in Heaven and all kinds of crazy stuff. I am offended as a Christ Follower.

  5. Reporter
    Reporter says:

    Dad, a master bricklayer, lived to 99, brains intact, loved barbecue, especially steak, never heard of turmeric or tofu, no fruit except bananas, no wine, never heard him use the Lord's name in vain, trustworthy, faithful in marriage, no stress.

  6. Reporter
    Reporter says:

    Dad, a master bricklayer, lived to 99, brains intact, loved barbecue, especially steak, never heard of turmeric or tofu, no fruit except bananas, no wine, never heard him use the Lord's name in vain, trustworthy, faithful in marriage, no stress.

  7. george mira
    george mira says:

    But any alcohol use is correlated with neuro?ogical diminution beyond normal aging.
    Resveratrol, etc. Can be found in raisins and grapes without the toxic alcohol of being rotted into wine.
    Corn has about 5% protein.
    Adventists appear also to avoid excess food intake.
    Steady activity is important factor. as well as choosing the right parents genetic.
    Overcoming threat ideation, which latter is correlated with unrelieved sympathetic nervous system activity, is perhaps the single most important thing you can do.
    Just one example, Bob Hope, who early was a boxer, became a comedian, with extremely strong social ingrouping, had this rotund waistline exceding his chest circumference for most of his lifetime, lived to 102.
    George Burns, another, more svelte and loving i dividual, smoked enough cigars to turn his lips and mouth into cancer cauliflowers, made it to dame age. Neither were adventists or Toltecs.
    I think of two clean-air ( modern particulate matter research shows diesel, dust, and other p<2.5 stuff Inversely related to lifespan) old x-c skiers who lived in clean nature, to 112 each.

    My earliest if accidental mentor, a kind, exuberant man born in 1850 (imagine that! 53 before the first airplanes, 38 before the first auto) fed wildlife from hand in the more rural than anywhere in the US now, was eager when we 6-year olds came visiting when he was 106.(unlike any other adult i've met to this day), we moved away, and i do not know how far from his birth before civil war and treaties restricting native north americans, he got.

    But the memory of his unrelenting, exuberant, inclusive kindness and energy makes me happy still. Only such as he, and the exuberant wolf , a loving, familial being filled with integrity and vitality together, howling in the pristine forests then, fill me in ways that diets never can.

    As such loves and relatives should fill you, first to last, in dream and exploration of life, no matter you live another day.

  8. Starlight Engram
    Starlight Engram says:

    Fruit, leaves, dairy, eggs, water – all living when you consume them. Nothing is dead. Harvesting these leaves the mother alive. Their "spooky action" is going on. Fruits, leaves, nuts, all taken from living plants. Harvesting does not harm the mother. Man lives on life. Death feeds death. Put nothing dead in your mouth. Eating honey does not kill the bee or the flower.


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