What is a CAC Test? | What does it MEAN?! | My score after five years of keto

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I recently had another CAC (Coronary Artery Calcification) test, or Calcium Scoring Test, my first in a long time. It’s a great way to …

30 replies
  1. Carel Joubert
    Carel Joubert says:

    Interesting. I eat só healthy (especially organic eggs, macadamia, avos), I don't need/want 1bite of carbs, but I have my issues hey, it's not a golden formulae for everyone.
    At the same time, I can tell you many stories of RDAs and test results making no sense

  2. Sofia Tarnovsky Grein
    Sofia Tarnovsky Grein says:

    I don’t know if you have looked at your genetics, I found out that I am not the best at handling saturated fats. When I did carnivore for 6 months I became inflamed and developed fat deposits in my irises (something only the very old develop and I am 47);

  3. Kara Berrie
    Kara Berrie says:

    Thanks for your honesty! I think you have the drive to change the #s. My husband is high risk for a stroke, so I'm curious on what you decide to change going forward! Good luck 👍 💓

  4. Katherine Tucker
    Katherine Tucker says:

    Yeah I can understand it being a bummer. Vit D is sooooo important. But also check out info on actual sun exposure for Vit D creation (obv due to where you live, you’ll need to focus on this in more in summertime or artificial vit D lamp in winter).

  5. K M
    K M says:

    Prior to starting keto, at 51 years old (female) I had a CAC score of zero in 2016 (total cholesterol 218) & had a mild heart attack literally the day after the test. What’s the odds, right? Ended up with 4 stents & 40mg Atorvastatin. Fortunately for me, I had no damage to my heart (lost no function). My cardiologist said I had SOFT plaque and CAC does not detect soft plaque but it’s the soft plaque that can burst & kill you. My cardiologist said he does not put much value in CAC tests. Started keto & after 2 years because my labs were good (specifically HDL & triglycerides), my doc took me off statin. One thing statins do is stabilize the soft plaque so I’m pretty sure if I had another CAC test done, I would no longer have a zero score. The reason I’m posting this is because I don’t want people that get a zero score on a CAC test to have a false sense of health.

  6. myPursesuitOfHappiness
    myPursesuitOfHappiness says:

    Thanks for sharing this great information. I had my fist CAC test a year ago and had a 0 score. I’ve always had a history of higher cholesterol with my Dr pushing statins. I went to get another CAC test this year and the place told me I should wait 5 years because calcium doesn’t build up that fast. However I’ve been eating mostly a carnivore diet so I was curious. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Now I wish I had just gotten it.

  7. Chris Hileman
    Chris Hileman says:

    If you don’t already, follow the work of Ivor Cummings (The Fat Emperor) when he is talking CAC and how to lower it. His podcast and YouTube channel have tons of great info on this subject.

    Hoping things start progressing in the right direction for you.

  8. Jim Godish
    Jim Godish says:

    Great info. I’ve been doing keto for two years now and really need to do that calcium test. I did notice my blood pressure go way down when I did fasting and I felt great. Unfortunately I have a hard time sticking to it. Thanks for the video

    SWAY MOLINA says:

    On keto or carni, are you still concerned about how much Sat Fats you're consuming? I too have a high LDL score (250+) while everything else is fine. Don't know if consuming less Sat Fats and more Poly/Monosaturated fat is the answer while on a liberal keto (trying to keep it under 150g Carbs – don't care much for ketosis).

    Loaded question. Appreciate your opinion. Great video!

  10. Jeannie Nutter
    Jeannie Nutter says:

    Husband just had a CAC yesterday and we are anxiously awaiting the results. Have or would you share your total cholesterol score? His total is high, just over 300 but triglycerides are very low, LDL, low and HDL high. Of course the doctor wants to put him on medication. But he does not want that. Not sure what he'll do if his score is high.

  11. Malcolm Achtman
    Malcolm Achtman says:

    I don't know how old Aaron is but my first CAC score was 479 when I was 61 years old. And yes, that was predictive for heart disease as I required a triple bypass at age 66. Aaron says his score has gone up 10 -12 points per year. Most experts look instead at the percent rate of plaque growth. A change from 14 to 59 in 4 years works out to a 42% annual increase. If that rate continued, Aaron's CAC value 4 years from now would be 240. Of course, we can't say for sure when the plaque increased. What if Aaron's score rose the fastest in the first year upon making dietary changes (coming off a previous crappy diet) and as he continued with Keto into years 2, 3, and 4, the CAC increased much more slowly? Other variables can creep into a CAC test result. For example, was your heart rate 60 bpm (beats per minute) or less during the procedure, in order to obtain a reliable result. Were both tests done at the same facility, with the same equipment and the same software? Were the two tests interpreted by the same radiologist or cardiologist?

  12. Ev
    Ev says:

    I think using D3 and K2, combined, helps to lower the score. The problem is if you don't have enough D3 & K2, calcium winds up in the arteries not the bones, teeth etc. I had my score done a couple of years ago, and it was at a zero, which surprised me because I still have weight to lose, but the Dr. told me it had nothing to do w/ weight. I have taken k2/D3 regularly for years.

  13. Mark L
    Mark L says:

    I've been Keto/Carnivore for over 3 years and have had several CAC tests before and since I started this way of eating. For some reason CAC is not an accurate test for me. I had one around 2015 that was over 1500, which freaked my Dr. out. I went to a cardiologist and they did a arteriogram. He came in and said there was nothing in my arteries. He didn't even schedule my for return visits. In 2018, after being Keto for 6 months or so I had another one that was over 2000. Again my Dr. sent me to a cardiologist. He did find a bum aortic valve, but an ensuing arteriogram again showed no calcium buildup. In 2020, after 3 years of Keto I decided, like you, to have another CAC to see if it had gone down. This one was over 2500! Another arteriogram and another result of nothing in my arteries. My wife has banned me from having any more CAC tests! I've asked my cardiologist why my scores are so out of whack with what they find, but he has no real answer. We just say I have thick arteries! I have been on a D3/K2-MK7 regimen since the 2018 test.

  14. melissa gardner
    melissa gardner says:

    Please consider trying meditation again. It's never about controlling your thoughts verses observing them. I struggled with it as well. Guided meditations are easier to quite the chatter because you are busy listening to the instructions. It's so beneficial especially if your mind is going all day. Thanks for the info, as always it was helpful.

  15. Samantha Souza Official
    Samantha Souza Official says:

    Eliminating dairy seems like it would be a huge change in your lifestyle, but maybe you could alternate to only RAW dairy. Many find that using raw dairy only eliminates a lot of the negative side effects that come with dairy in general. Something to consider maybe…? I would think that with where you live, raw dairy would be simple to source!

  16. Amanda Mays
    Amanda Mays says:

    Dang what a bummer! Was hoping to hear all zeros! I need to read up on why only one certain artery would be affected. I know nothing about arteries! Fingers crossed next year goes better!


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