What I eat to maintain my 200 lbs loss & treat my MS | Journey Update week 111

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MS #weightloss #MultipleSclerosis MS Journey Update week 111 + what I ate this week Sunday 02/05/23 Breakfast = Jalapeño …

23 replies
  1. Dawn Does Keto
    Dawn Does Keto says:

    I have some bad news… Mike doesn’t really watch YouTube and he comes to me and says oh I have this great idea for making a segment on your channel of chew the fat! I’m like dude, Heath says that we can’t do that! He was like well darn!

  2. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    So glad your very 1st live interview went well Friday night. 👍🏻 Samantha’s whole “coach for life” support approach is so unique. It was nice to finally meet the person we’ve heard so much about & who has done so much for you, Shelly. Much respect for Samantha. 😊

  3. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    🎶 On the road again…🎶 (insert Willie Nelson song) I always am entertained with your road trip conversations. You’re really gonna have to stop with that “I’ve got bad news” stuff, though, Heath. You’re making Shelly a little crazy. 😂 LOL

  4. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    Squawkbox! 😀 Can’t wait for the chocolate pecan cinnamon rolls & beef Wellington recipe videos coming up! Mmmm And I never would have thought to put chili in an omelette, but why not? 😮

  5. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    A lot of times when I go to Aldi's I get a free cart from someone else or someone has abandoned their cart in the parking lot with the quarter still in it. If I get one that way, I just pass it on to someone else. But I always keep a quarter in a special pocket in my purse if I need it. Fresh Market had the Kerrigold butter on sale. But it was still more expensive than the Fresh Market knock-off brand so I just picked up the knock off. To me it has a better flavor than Kerrigold.

  6. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    It's good that you have a neighborhood where you can walk. Where I live there are no sidewalks and the way people drive down our road I wouldn't walk out there. I can go over to Deer Lick Park and they have a half mile oval one can use. I like to just walk up and down the aisles at Costco and Aldi's. Things to see while shopping.


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