What I eat on a busy weekend / Starch Solution & how I navigate a BBQ

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Hi, I’m Ami, and I have lost 60lbs following the Starch Solution & using the principles of calorie density! I am uploading these …

36 replies
  1. Sandra Giffin
    Sandra Giffin says:

    Put some cauliflower in our gravy before you whiz it up in the blender. It makes it really creamy. Cauliflower is a great way to make things creamy. You can also add cauliflower to your potatoes before you mash them to reduce calorie density.

  2. theresa jurrus
    theresa jurrus says:

    Thank you Amy. Great video. First thing I do when I get going is look for you and your beautiful family. The kids are a hoot and I love seeing James as well. Love you guys.

  3. Judy G
    Judy G says:

    I really appreciated your advice today and I love that you have your children eating healthy with you. You have inspired me to continue making changes, not to start by being perfect👍

  4. Debbie Palmer
    Debbie Palmer says:

    I make a smoothie bowl with ginger and a chunk of turmeric, black pepper berries and a banana and the ginger makes it feel so wholesome and satisfying especially with some granola on the top. So yum!

  5. Sharon Genco
    Sharon Genco says:

    I love making quick cookie type things. I mash a banana and mix in some peanut butter and flax with a tiny pinch of sea salt and put little blobs on wax paper in the freezer. I pop them into a container and have a sweet treat ready when I want it!

  6. Joelle
    Joelle says:

    Baked potatoes warmed in foil on the bbq, also skewers of veggies to roast, yummy! We saw a family cooking asparagus on the bbq on the beach and it looked amazing, I’m going to try it at some point x

  7. Kate Perry
    Kate Perry says:

    The problem I have is undereating and never getting full after a lifetime of trying to diet and then ending up so hungry I make poor food choices , I've been trying to put more good stuff on my plate and eating till full this past week or so

  8. Claire Singleton
    Claire Singleton says:

    I love ❤️ porridge. Can have it anytime of day. Sometimes I can’t be bothered to make a complicated lunch so I’ll enjoy some oats with fruit. I love ❤️ to add flax seeds or chia seeds. They’re so good you. That chocolate pudding looks delicious 😋. I love how you make simple food look so good. Xxxx

  9. merrill
    merrill says:

    Ami, I so can relate to not registering I am no longer hungry when I am eating something I adore! And the problem is, I really like almost everything I make . . . Even when it is a simple plate of steamed broccoli and a potato. Thank you for your great tips, recipes and posting!

  10. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    So glad you tried and liked the hot water, Amy!

    I eat potatoes daily. Love them as a starch staple. They are great for tucking into a purse as an emergency snack/meal—ha!

    I absolutely love making the orange sweet potatoes in the microwave and then freezing them for days when I don’t have any other food around or when I just want a quick meal. I love freezing a bunch before we go on vacation so that we have food prepared when we get home and the rest of our fridge is empty. They thaw beautifully and actually taste amazing partially frozen too. Super creamy. I have a video about it on my channel.

  11. Sherri
    Sherri says:

    I appreciate all your great tips and advice. It’s amazing that I no longer even want the fast food, restaurant food, or processed snacks anymore. I love whole food desserts now! 😊💚

  12. ashley.ann
    ashley.ann says:

    A note for why you limit fruit on the starch solution is because for some people it raises their cholesterol levels, and it can affect their blood pressure because of it as well, so it’s just something to keep in mind and something Dr. McDougall really likes to make people aware of while they’re on the program, especially coming from pre-existing medical conditions. You got to be wary of that stuff.


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