What I Eat in a Week – You Can Cook This Cookbook Review | Max Le Manna Vegan Plant-Based

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20 replies
  1. Michael Berger
    Michael Berger says:

    Hey Jeremy this is Mike from across the water in New York State ,…… I'm going to have to agree with your son… The cookbook needs lots of help….. And I might have an idea or a new rating system for your kids about some of the cookbook food that you do with these reviews……. I'd have the family members rate them on a scale of one to five one being that it's ready for the litter box, and five being that they would pay $25 for the dish

  2. Pamela Birch
    Pamela Birch says:

    I'm really enjoying the cookbook series! Have you tried anything from the Engine 2 Cookbook by Rip Esselstyn and Jane Esselstyn? I have their Plant Based Women Warriors, so I enjoyed watching you cook from that. The Engine 2 recipes sound like pretty hearty comfort food. (I'm going to try LifeofChet's suggestion below of the ATK book too – thanks!)

  3. Diane Schuller
    Diane Schuller says:

    Hey Jeremy, Diane watching from Parksville on Vancouver Island. I'm with your son, I think this book is a big fail. I wouldn't even order it from the library 😀 but kudos to you and your family for all the time and meals you made from the book. One thing is for certain, I love watching these videos.

  4. Elizabeth Patrick
    Elizabeth Patrick says:

    I like to thank you so much for your youtube cooking videos and shorts, i have been going back and fourth between meat and plant base foods for about 4 years, but now that i have found yours and one other channel videos, i am finally coming around to cooking a heck of a lot more meatless meals, and now will continue, my husband loves meat, he loves over 30% of yours which is good. i printed off tons of your recipies you have in description below of your videos, i like them allot because you make them easy to understand, and cook. keep up the good work, god bless you and your family always.

  5. Lindsay Toussaint
    Lindsay Toussaint says:

    Ok my first comment was something along the lines of “too many curries!” But come to think of it , I haven’t had curry in a while 😂 maybe I can get back on the curry train with everyone else.

    Anyway it seems like this cookbook was all concept and no testing – which ironically is SUCH A WASTE!

  6. Tabitha Hill
    Tabitha Hill says:

    Love the videos..what about raw meals with sauces? 😊
    " Hand Salads" 💛

    When you're son tapped the cake against the table and shook his head I not only smiled,giggled but then had flashbacks of my cooking experiences. Love this channel!!

  7. Donna Keane
    Donna Keane says:

    Great video as always. Your family is as authentic as you can get, which makes your content quite unique and valuable.
    As for your British quandary, it is pronounced “shir”, pronounced like “burr” or “were” rather than “shire”. Yours is a very common question. I am an American and have lived in the UK since 2008. There are names here that I still need clarification for correct pronunciation. It never ceases to amaze me how much the language of our forefathers has been altered over time.
    Keep doing all you do. You are altering lives with every video. With gratitude and grace!

  8. Undead Ondine
    Undead Ondine says:

    Hi Jeremy, Rose from KY here; I'm a new(ish) subscriber. if you see this comment I wanted to let you know that aquafaba makes a fantastic egg substitute. I use it all the time in my baking, and in sauces. 3 Tbsp = 1 egg. I use canned chickpeas, but I imagine your home cooked ones should work just as well. I love your videos, your kids crack me up, and you and your wife always keep it positive 🙂 Looking forward to the next video 👍

  9. Paula Towne
    Paula Towne says:

    Your analysis seems right on, although everyone loved the green curry. I blend fresh spinach/coconut into a spicy curry, so tasty. When roasting a pumpkin, I throw the seeds and the insides into a blender to make salad dressing. I add vinegar, garlic, chia, some water and any herbs and spices I feel like. It feels good to make something delicious out of nothing,

  10. TJ
    TJ says:

    I'm suspecting that the coconut sugar is too dry of a sugar. Because as the sugar melts it adds extra moisture. I would of probably use something like maple syrup or date paste instead of the coconut sugar IMHO.


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