What I Eat In a Week – 19 LBS DOWN! More health BS 🙄

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31 replies
  1. Carrie Brooks
    Carrie Brooks says:

    Oh my god i have had two biopsies like that and they were horrible. I actually sat up after and fainted and fell off the table and broke my glasses! Why no pain meds? I can never understand that.

  2. LauraP
    LauraP says:

    I actually just read that colon cancer among 30-40 something’s is on the rise and to actually get a colonoscopy starting at age 40-45. One of the main symptoms outside of constipation is severe anemia and stomach pains. Not to say that’s your experience just thought it was interesting how they are starting to lower the age of a lot of preventive testing.

  3. Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll says:

    My god Jen you have been through the wringer….I hope they can help you! Dying laughing so hard when you said "you guys must think I have a trash palette". Horrible what you went through with the uterine procedure….not as bad as yours but one day how about we stop squeezing our boobs in an anvil every year…..IT IS BARBARIC JEN!!

  4. Adventures in LynderLand
    Adventures in LynderLand says:

    I have pcos and had to have iron infusions from heavy periods. I finally had an IUD and I stopped having heavy periods and iron levels normal now. I had iron infusions weekly for almost a year. They made me feel worse. They made me tired and made my muscles hurt, and it would take 2 hours every week for the infusions.

  5. Pilgrim Wayne
    Pilgrim Wayne says:

    Oh Jen! Traumatic is the word! I remember my first endometrial biopsy and I could not leave the parking lot for an hour because of the adrenaline pump from the surprise and horror. I had many before I booted the uterus and while I did handle them better adrenaline wise, the pain and the frustration of how barbaric it is was the same. I don’t know the solution either because it isn’t anesthesia worthy. Have you ever had fibroids? They ended up being the source of my anemia and while HIM iron supplements helped, I did not get resolution until hysto. Good luck and thanks for the content.

  6. Patrice B
    Patrice B says:

    I had a uterine biopsy. Definitely very painful, a numbing cream would be nice. Then an abdominal hysterectomy a few months later…. Fun times 😂

  7. Fiona Walker
    Fiona Walker says:

    I had low iron and heavy periods and ended up having a uterine ablation… it’s been a life saver, iron levels are now normal (after a final iron infusion) and periods are nice and light ❤ highly recommended

  8. Erin McConahy
    Erin McConahy says:

    Really appreciate your comments about food and food influence. It’s really easy to feel like a failure when not cooking everything from scratch. Love how real your approach to food and weight loss is!

  9. Allison Shea
    Allison Shea says:

    I just found your channel and wanted to tell you I just had a biopsy a few days ago, but the lead up was in three doctor visits. The first was the annual. They said there were some abnormalities so they wanted to take an ultrasound, that was the second appt. Then they said the findings showed I should probably get a biopsy. They contacted my insurance and I got approved for anesthesia. My doctor does not do this procedure without it! So this was scheduled and I was completely out during the procedure. If I were you, might want to see about getting another OBGYN!

  10. Treena Akers
    Treena Akers says:

    I diagnosed tou with a hiatal hernia. Symptoms were exactly the same as mine. Bless you on the uterine biopsy, those hurt like hell. I had PCOS. Im 17 yrs post hysterectomy. Yay, me! Im so sorry you are dealing with all this.

  11. Kim Dixon
    Kim Dixon says:

    I’ve had uterine biopsy x2. They repeated next year. First one uncomfortable, second very painful. I also have high pain tolerance. Only instruction I received was to take ibuprofen before appt. I’m a nurse, too. Surprised of lack of instruction. Sorry you had to go through that. I asked and was never told exactly why I had them. I do have a hx of fibroids and was in early 40’s then and bleeding heavily.

  12. SauerPatchGardening
    SauerPatchGardening says:

    I had a biopsy the same way. I too wasn't prepared for it. I went to work after, and actually felt ok. My gyn said that a shot to numb me would probably have hurt more, or the same. And waiting for it to work would take longer than the actual biopsy. Mine was negative. Im in menopause and suddenly had bleeding 18 months after no bleeding. Turns out my body just wanted to release that last sad egg…lol. so, i had to start the count of no bleeding all over again. The say if you've had 2 years with no period your officially in menopause. Being a woman is a challenge sometimes…☹

  13. Call Me Nains
    Call Me Nains says:

    I kept having issues with my iron pill too. Finally had to get a multi vitamin with iron and that was the only way I could take it without the extreme stomach upset. I want to say it was a pregnancy multi, but I could be wrong. But I have never been able to take iron by itself.

  14. Cyndie R
    Cyndie R says:

    Jen, I had the same biopsy and let me tell you, I screamed so loud. It was just sooooo painful and they tryed three times and she said I don’t think I got enough of a sample but I said I’m done. I shook uncontrollably and I was sweating and they had to drop me down so quick and bring in ice packs. I kept saying this is just wrong. You mean a woman has to go thru this in 2023. Well it did come back as not a good sample and needed to repeat it. I said no way, absolutely not. So I ended up getting it a second opinion and she did it outpatient. SomI feel your pain.

  15. Dustin Tunis
    Dustin Tunis says:

    I do follow your advice to not go to the doctor. In most cases when you do find out you have a health issue, you need to do research and figure out how to correct it naturally. Taking medicine for one problem can very likely cause another problem that the doctor will happily charge you for another medicine and so on. It's tough to find somebody in their 60 or older that isn't taking multiple meds daily, and I sincerely believe that most of that could be corrected with diet, though when you're trying to figure out how to correct for the side effects of multiple meds or would be difficult.
    My wife saw a doctor and her blood pressure was high, which it will be for her because she's a massive introvert so going to the doctor is way out of her comfort zone, the doctor wanted to prescribe a blood pressure medicine and was absolutely against my wife changing her diet to correct it. She already exercised a lot, just didn't watch what she ate. In about 2 weeks she had her BP down to what it should be, and all she really did was reduce salt and caffeine, but the doctor doesn't get a cut from that. That doctor has since been fired, and based on her reviews and wife's experience with her we assume it was due to her bedside manner.
    Yes, I understand that sometimes medicine is necessary, like an antibiotic for a nasty ear infection, not just for having the sniffles like some people feel necessitate getting meds.
    BTW, you have been a major encouragement to my wife to lose weight.


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