What I Eat in a Day: Vegan Dad Weight Loss Journey 🌱

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29 replies
  1. Hobocamp
    Hobocamp says:

    You can do it Joseph! I think I weighed more as a vegan, bc of all the delicious junk food! That is my own reason to start a walking regime- once the snow is gone in New York- I want to be there for my 3 kiddos. I think it takes 21 days to start a habit- after that is might get a little easier! Best of Luck on your journey- we will be cheering you on!

  2. K Riv
    K Riv says:

    Hi Amber!
    Not sure if schools are open in Canada or if they are schooling from home but I remember when you used to do videos showing what you packed Selkie for lunch and really enjoyed them.

  3. jayathome
    jayathome says:

    Really enjoyed seeing a video focused on Joseph’s weight loss. He is inspiring me to really commit to weight loss myself. It gets much harder as you get older! I would love to see updates including tips that he has found useful or also what didn’t work. More weight loss meal videos please! Amber you are so lucky to have such an awesome husband and lovely family!

  4. Celeste B
    Celeste B says:

    It was so great to hear Joseph's perspective! Also, that you for introducing us to a Canadian exercise equipment company!
    Just curious, what happened to your old gym set up?

  5. Anne D
    Anne D says:

    I love Jospeh's determination. I've also said "I need to lose weight" constantly for years. I agree that it takes a plan. My kids are my reason, too. I'll be following along while working on my own plan!

  6. Ally Nicola
    Ally Nicola says:

    Ooh loved that we got to see Joseph in the video & filming too!
    Btw..did I hear him mention the patties were from Ambers work? Have I missed something..did you get a new job Amber?

  7. Linda B
    Linda B says:

    Hi Joseph, well done for starting your weight loss and fitness challenge. I am also trying to lose weight/increase my fitness levels and have found it really helpful to think on a meal-by-meal basis "is this a good meal choice for me?". It's only been a fortnight so far, but this method is really working well for me. I have had only one 'slip up' where I had a takeaway when I wasn't even really hungry. I didn't beat myself up, but just got right back on track at my next meal. If I get hungry between meals, I have raw fruit/veg or a few nuts. Really hope this meal-by-meal approach is helpful to you. I really love Amber's channel and the way you share your family values.

  8. stinkygraykitty
    stinkygraykitty says:

    I also use pickle juice when we make guacamole! It really adds a nice layer of flavor AND I also use vegetable parts and pieces, boil them up into veggie broth, I freeze that in mason jars for rice, soups or whatever at a later time. Great minds think alike!! 🙂

  9. Conscious homemaker
    Conscious homemaker says:

    Hey Joseph, this is probably something you already know but a gentle reminder that men when getting into shape usually build muscle easier than women. Because muscle weighs more than fat don’t be surprised if the scales aren’t going down even though you’re doing all the things and seeing your physique change. It’s for many people much better for their mental health to focus on losing body fat rather than losing weight. I personally don’t allow scales in my house. They can be a real trap. Getting in shape for your family is wonderful but it’s just such a fine line between getting in shape and starting restrictive/disordered eating and exercising. This isn’t personal I say this to anyone on a health journey because disordered eating is so prevalent 🥰 take care

  10. leti jurado
    leti jurado says:

    Lol remember when Joseph used to look at the camera like it was going to bite him when amber made a question lol
    He's more confident being on camera now attaboy Joseph 👍👍👍

  11. Samy
    Samy says:

    My bf was like oh! “She’s like you, throwing random stuff in bowls”!
    I replied; “nope! Wrong! They are random for you. I’m just following Amber’s recipes from her book! It looks random to you but I’m following her! 🤣 😂 Thank Amber! Now I look like I know what I’m doing!


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