What I Eat in a Day to Stay Fit at 61

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I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I’ve talked about what I eat in a day! Today’s menu will look a whole lot different, but, …

31 replies
  1. Thefitnessfoodfairy
    Thefitnessfoodfairy says:

    Everything looks so delicious and healthy! Love all the fun and creative ways to "healthify" dishes. The sauerkraut trick is awesome! I bet you could make an amazing healthier "coleslaw" with sauerkraut and Greek yogurt 👀💡

  2. Kathryn Friedlund
    Kathryn Friedlund says:

    I enjoyed this! Thank you for the egg recipe. I will try that soon! I use apple cider vinegar with a little cottage cheese on my salad as a dressing. I need to make some saurkraut! I have tried fermented Jalepeno and fermented carrots and they are both very easy to make. Do you like milk kefir? It is so incredibly easy to make and it is full of healthy bacteria strains. Thank you for the inspiring video!

  3. Holly Trout
    Holly Trout says:

    I agree with you on pork tenderloin as a good protein source. It's particularly good for those of us who get tired of boneless skinless chicken breast. Also thank you for the good advice on using fermented/pickled vegetable juice on salads. I imagine pepperoncini would also be good for that.

    MS_TAREE says:

    I love WIEIAD videos! You should totally try to make micro batches of nut butters. You can blend in superfood powders and your choice of oil or spices…I just think you would have fun experimenting with your own recipes. Look into it ~ 🙂

  5. Jon Smith
    Jon Smith says:

    i'm gonna have to give those egg bits a whirl (whole eggs and full fat cottege cheese though) and that salad looked pretty fire too (with the fermented beets & kraut)… but you forgot desert, lol… so alternative ideas would be low-carb bread and shireitaki noodles (i won't bore ya with the bro-science but if interested let me know) personally i found calories/macros to easily keep to a diet just based on the number of meals i'm having and keeping the food itself the same (like winter is bulking season so i'm eating 5 meals, spring is cutting season so i'm eating 3 meals just spaced out about an extra hr out to avoid the typical issues, then with maintaining/recomping/maingaining usually 4 meals)

  6. Dominique Bow
    Dominique Bow says:

    I'm a simple woman… I see Mama Tenny posted a new video and I just click. No questions asked.
    I crossed over from Will's channel to yours as well. I'm a mother to a 4 year old and 2 year old who'll be 40 in August. I've been exhausted for a while now but would really love to take control of my health… You inspire me so much and make me feel like it's possible. I love your no-nonsense, keep it simple approach and you just bring the good vibes!
    Thank you for these awesome meal suggestions! Half the battle is figuring out what to make. I love how easy and accessible your meal plans are. I'll be prepping the egg bites before I go to bed tonight!
    Please keep more of these "what I eat in a day videos" coming!!

  7. Landra Gentles
    Landra Gentles says:

    I just love all your videos, they are very inspiring and encouraging! I’m a 62 yo 5’2” woman at 123 lbs and need to lose 8 lbs but cannot have more than 1,000 calories. Do you have any suggestions? I work out moderately about 5 days/week. Thanks again!!

  8. Richard Gosselin
    Richard Gosselin says:

    Great video, as always, Mama T. Whether trying to eat healthy or lose weight, if it looks dull or doesn't taste great, I won't be eating it. Everything you made looked delicious. Some really good recipes. Pork tenderloin, yum!

  9. GA Girl
    GA Girl says:

    How can you eat so many calories a day and be so small? I'm menopausal age 55 and can not do that many calories but yet my weight is so much higher?


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