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HAPPY WEDNESDAY! I hope you enjoy today’s what I eat in a day! Tonight’s Dinner recipe is on my website …

28 replies
  1. michelle
    michelle says:

    I’m so sorry Jenn. I lost my cat Boots in December who we had for 15 and a half years and it was so hard. My thoughts are with you and Troy. Diesel was a beautiful dog. ❤🙏

  2. Barbara Johnson
    Barbara Johnson says:

    I am so sorry that Diesel crossed the rainbow bridge. It will take a long time to feel normal again. We too had to make that awful decision after 16 years with our Maggie. How you feel now is so how I felt, thought she was just around, heard her felt like she was still in our presrnce. Take care thinking of you it does take time.

  3. SandiLand
    SandiLand says:

    still sending hugs and love to you guys! 🙏 im soo glad to see the kerrygold butter bc i bought a few when they were on sale 👍 thank you for helping me get started on this journey

  4. Heather Rhue
    Heather Rhue says:

    Jen, Diesel was so lucky to have parents like you and Troy. What a wonderful life it seems like you gave him. Your story resonates with me. My senior dog has diabetes with neuropathy and arthritis. She's been having a lot of mobility issues and has lost most of the feeling in her back legs. My husband and I don't have kids and so our furry children are our children (kind of like you). I know I'll have to make a very hard decision about my pup's life soon, and it's comforting to see you making such a difficult, but compassionate, selfless decision for your sweet pup. Prayers for you and Diesel as he crosses the rainbow bridge.

  5. Teresa n
    Teresa n says:

    Awwww jenn I don't know anyone who's heart would not break right along with you for the loss or diesel I cried for at least an hour after watching this …I have absolutely lit a candle for him 🙏 little palmer looked so funny upside down in his new bed with his toy xx sending you lots of love know that diesel is very loved over here across the pond aswell xx❤️

  6. Stephanie Sullivan
    Stephanie Sullivan says:

    Oh Jenn. I’m SO SORRY about Diesel. 💔 I understand how devastated you feel. Our pets are our family members. I helped my 14-year-old Peek-a-Poo, Amber, cross the Rainbow Bridge two years ago, and it was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Troy. 🙏🏼

  7. Katy P
    Katy P says:

    Your animals are so well loved, and it's evident in how happy they are in your videos. Rest in Peace, Diesel. ❤ very sorry for your loss.

  8. Sandra Hentges
    Sandra Hentges says:

    Bless your heart Jenn. I am so sorry for you all. I know how hard a decision that is. You all did the right thing and he is no longer suffering. I have been praying for you for comfort and peace to know that Diesel is no longer in pain.

  9. Meagan F
    Meagan F says:

    I'm heartbroken for you Jenn. I'm so sorry for this devastating loss. I have a labradoodle that I love like a child so I feel for you so much. I will light a candle for Diesel.


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