what I eat in a day | REALISTIC, VEGAN, & HEALTHY

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42 replies
  1. @vduback
    @vduback says:

    Dr Greger recently noted that having bananas in your smoothie lowers the amount of good nutrients you absorb from the other ingredients and recommends frozen mango instead. He said bananas solo are fine.

  2. @MegaGoddessofLove
    @MegaGoddessofLove says:

    So, I've studied a lot about Nutrition ,so i hope you don't mind that i share some with you. It's a very good thing to go salt free…I would just recommend you drink a tsp of Iodized salt in water as this is vital for thyroid function(because of the more recent popularity of other salts, like Pink Himalayan, a lot of ppl are not getting the right amount of iodine) .Also mushrooms are high in ergothioneine ,which aids in longevity (so wonderful choice). If most of your diet is fresh ,whole foods then some processed vegan cheeze curls are fine every once in awhile.(Technically processed foods …even vegan ones …raise inflammation in the body as the cells inside these foods are not intact like they are with whole ,plant foods …like the fresh almonds ). It's so great your daughter as an aversion to oil as that also raises inflammation in the body and affects the blood vessels. Olive and avocado oil are much healthier than canola,sunflower,and saffflower as they are higher in Omega 9 which aids your Omega threes working for optimum celluar repair in the body. I recommend to try and use as little as possible. Lastly that's really great that you're taking an Omega three supplement. It turns out ,however, that it is much easier for the body to draw essential vitamins and minerals from fresh food rather than a supplement. So i highly recommend getting it from a smoothie. Just add half a cup of chia or flax seeeds(a wonderful source of Omega threes), about 75% fresh raw greens (kale, spinach,chard, broccoli, beet leaves) and 25% frozen fruit and fill it with water…then you'll be good. (Sources:Dr Brooke Goldner and Dr Michael Greger)

  3. @brwnsgr8034
    @brwnsgr8034 says:

    Can beans saves me a lot of time when I am short on time. I always rinse can foods if I can to reduce the sodium. Even the can with no salt.

    We finally have a Costco’s here, I’ll definitely have to go check out the produce if it’s cheaper. 👍🏽Chili looks yummy 😋

  4. @nf2190
    @nf2190 says:

    Ya'll are too cute! And the food looked amazing per usual! I will be making that chili and cornbread sometime soon. Btw I made your Cesar salad last week and shared with family. Everyone loved it! I'm curious, what kind of frozen pizza do you buy? lol Thank you for the content <3

  5. @Cookingonpurposehealth
    @Cookingonpurposehealth says:

    Probably my favorite video! I loved seeing you just pick up the phone and share how you think about meals, grocery shopping, and a real weeknight dinner with kids! Absolutely loved this. Gave me so many ideas for me and my daughter!

  6. @rbrown6476
    @rbrown6476 says:

    Thank you – that was a great video, and it’s lovely to see your little one. All my grandkids are grown up now and I miss them cos I don’t get out these days.
    I discovered ages ago that I sometimes need a quick small portion of brown rice or quinoa or millet, so I cook up a whole 500g bag on a good day, then cool quickly on a large flat tray. Put a tablespoon into tiny Tupperware pots (about 15-20) and freeze quickly. Then when I have a bad day, I’ve got instant starch, which I can use when I want some beans and rice, or whatever.
    I also make a whole batch of chickpeas in a large slow cooker, soaked overnight, and cooked with fresh water. In the pot, I add Tbspn olive oil and a square of kombu. When the beans are really cooked and creamy, I cool and make up single or 2 portion pots to freeze. Then when I have a bad day, I can defrost a single portion of chickpeas for salad or soup etc. the next week, I cook up a whole pot of red kidney beans and do the same. The next week, it’s black eyed peas, the next week it’s butter beans, etc.
    I have 2 whole drawers in my freezer with an assortment of different beans and 1 drawer of different flavoured rice, quinoa etc.
    This way, I get all the goodness of home cooked food, cheaper food because I’m not buying tins, and it’s as instant as opening a tin or a pouch of precooked rice. Plus never any leftovers. Also I don’t like much salt so my food is tasty without being too salty. I always include the lovely tasty rich cooking liquor with the beans.
    I can then rustle up a quick soup, salad, curry or stew with the frozen beans without thinking that I wish I’d soaked some the day before!
    Just thought I’d leave some ideas for anyone else who loves Wholefoods, but feels it’s time consuming every day. Bless you ❤

  7. @codexnoir8824
    @codexnoir8824 says:

    Nonorganic Produce is sprayed with pesticides repeatedly throughout its growth process & research has proven, many times, that the entirety of said produce is contaminated with pesticides, not just the skin, in fact, even the seeds are contaminated.
    I’m a Certified Hippocrates Health Educator, H.H.E., (Vegan Health Coach) I know the science.

  8. @bluetinsel7099
    @bluetinsel7099 says:

    This is such a good video. Chili is definitely a cold day type food and delicious especially with a corn product on the side be it cornbread or tortilla chips and rice is delicious with chili too. Flaxseeds also have omega 3, but they may not be as good as the liquid which would be more concentrated. It’s wonderful that you have your little one enjoying eating healthy even when she thinks it’s not good. The energy is great in this video.😊

  9. @shantikabrown8595
    @shantikabrown8595 says:

    I love what I eat in a day videos 😊
    I’m currently transitioning my little ones to plant based would you be willing to do a day in the life/ a week or anything far as what your little one eats on a vegan lifestyle? Thank you ☺️

  10. @bhuld0115
    @bhuld0115 says:

    Hi, great video! Have to say that a reason to buy organic bananas is to keep all those toxic sprays and powders out of the soil, to keep the soil and the things that live in it, and the people who work in the fields, alive and healthy.

  11. @AlexisJenell
    @AlexisJenell says:

    I’m not a frequent commenter lol but i really enjoyed this video, one of my favs from you. I enjoy wholesome meals and cooking so this was so nice to watch and the meals look really good!


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