What I Eat in a Day – Raw Vegan Now Eats Cooked Food

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John from http://www.okraw.com/ shares with you what he eats after 27 years living on raw food vegan diet. You will also learn …

17 replies
  1. Kathryn Kij
    Kathryn Kij says:

    This makes me happy, cause I couldn’t bring myself to go back to fully raw after I became a mom. I have no problem eating raw all day, but I live in Wyoming 🥶 and I really want to have a warm cooked dinner with my husband.

  2. Nic Notion
    Nic Notion says:

    I'm starting my third year plant based, kicked cigarettes and alcohol in 2019. Your videos have helped me very much, especially early on. I respect your consistency and individuality. Peace.

  3. Claire Davis
    Claire Davis says:

    Before ANYONE criticizes anyone that eats cooked food, PLEASE first tackle and take on the meat and animal diary eaters.
    John, you’re just as perfect as you were, before you heated up some purple potatoes, lentils and shrooms. 🤴🏼👑🤴🏼

  4. Inspired Music
    Inspired Music says:

    Our world is so caught up with labels and putting people in boxes. If you are raw vegan, but eat cooked food on occasion, you are still eating an incredibly healthy diet. I think using our diet as a means for identity is bs. You have been an inspiration and will continue to be an inspiration to me because you are eating incredibly healthy and that's what matters. Your recipes are incredible and thank you for posting this.

  5. Laura 79
    Laura 79 says:

    thank you for this wonderful video! i would just really like to see a disclaimer for everyone promoting turmeric juice – it is very high in oxalates and can cause some serious problems when consumed regularly or by anyone with kidney issues.


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