What I Eat in a Day on WW PERSONAL POINTS to Lose Weight

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Instant Pot Spaghetti https://www.agirlandherphone.net/instant-pot-spaghetti.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snail …

13 replies
  1. Marilyn S
    Marilyn S says:

    I love Spaghetti night…used to love Spaghettios with meatballs or hot dogs…but we always have burnt garlic bread-cuz that was my moms specialty…😂

  2. Judi Mecham
    Judi Mecham says:

    I just ate dinner but if I hadn’t have I’ve been making me so spaghetti. That looks so good. All of it look good. I planned my menu for this week and I haven’t even looked at it and here it is Tuesday night. I guess I should go see what’s on the menu for tomorrow and see if I want to look at it anymore this week🤪😂


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