WHAT I EAT IN A DAY on the Lion Diet // Low Histamine CARNIVORE DIET Meals

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This is an idea of what I eat in a typical day on the lion diet (but it does vary a lot). Thanks for coming along on my day with me!

28 replies
  1. Jennifer Johnson
    Jennifer Johnson says:

    Try goat, it is less "gamey". You are an inspiration to me. I know you will heal. My 19 year old daughter has early onset primary progressive multiple sclerosis, PCOS and a heart condition. She is still in denial, when I try to get her to go carnivore, she says she would rather die happy with bread and potatoes, she isn't a vegetable fan….. I keep sharing your videos with her in the hope something will click. Bless you on your journey….

  2. Jeff Abbott
    Jeff Abbott says:

    I cook everything frozen (steaks) with a Ninja Foody Air Fryer. 500 degrees. So good! I also cook with the instant pot. Also boil Chuck ribs a couple hours and drink the meat broth.

  3. Griffin T
    Griffin T says:

    The histamine thing will definitely improve on carnivore/low oxalate diet. Sally Norton has some good information regarding histamines. There seems to be an inverse relationship with oxalates and histamine intolerance. As the body starts to finally clear oxalates the body can break down histamine easier. Unfortunately oxalate dumping can also mimic histamine reactions so it may get worse before it gets better.

    I also found using a sperti vitamin d lamp helped a lot during winter months. Apparently sunlight helps the body process histamine. Not sure how but light seems to heal a lot of things

  4. bruce lee
    bruce lee says:

    Great timing! I just started the lion diet yesterday to challenge myself so this video will help inspire me. I wish i could eat outside but here in queensland i would get swarmed by flies if i did that!

  5. roch olson
    roch olson says:

    I just looked up NorthStar Bison. The website and the foods looks amazing! I cant wait to order from them. And they are in Wisconsin, go Badgers! Thanks for the introduction to them and the histamine information.

  6. WithaWonder
    WithaWonder says:

    I could be wrong and u can just try it out to see if it works for you. but I think you should be fine if you have a little bit of fun-but-healthy non-meat things such as one example.. Organic whole milk mixed with some cocoa and honey to make a healthy chocolate milk.. I do think meat is super healthy and I eat mostly Meats. just saying I think there's got to be a few fun food options out there that you can add in that should be healthy for you and not trigger any of your issues . I'm sure it's boring eating nothing but meat. just sharing a idea

  7. Richard Brown
    Richard Brown says:

    So glad you are healing. I'm realizing that I have a lot to learn from you. I would love more details on how you cook things. Maybe boring to you, but informational to us, e.g. temperatures you cook different meats, how much electrolytes you add to broth, and why you think it is needed. Other salts you may sometimes use, or why you don't use them, etc. You have so much knowledge to share, learned the hard way, sadly.

    Bless you and your husband. You mentioned the cost of your "meat" medicine. Do you have a Patreon page for us to help? I looked above but didn't see one.

    As always, keep that great attitude. I haven't gone back over all your videos, but I would love one on how you keep a positive mind set, which, as you said, is so important.


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