What I Eat In A Day On Low Carb PLUS Life Update

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25 replies
  1. Alyssa L
    Alyssa L says:

    I have been having so much trouble lately. Up and down the same 10lbs and of course it's right where I always stall. I don't know what I'd do without your videos.

  2. Liz McMahon
    Liz McMahon says:

    Had anyone tried the Cirkul water 💦? I am seeing it everywhere on social media but it’s a water bottle with flavor cartridges- I’m not sure if they are sugar free and I don’t know if they have any of the questionable sweeteners? If anyone has tried it or has an opinion I would appreciate it.

  3. Art Keepsave
    Art Keepsave says:

    I would love to meet up with you, but if everything goes right I’ll be moving back closer to home (my own bed every weekend 🎉) and my parents 🙏🏼
    Love you 🙏🏼🍀💕

  4. Gina Kraushaar
    Gina Kraushaar says:

    Hi Kristi! All of your meals look delicious!! Love the shirt!! Chris, I wish you well on your work journey! May the trip be kind to you! Kristi, I hope you do a video or two about all the new products you’ll be finding! Love ya! 🌹💛🧡

  5. Patty Green
    Patty Green says:

    I just ordered the variety pack on Amazon ! For $ 15.88 What a deal 💜

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  6. IrishRose
    IrishRose says:

    Chris, have a safe journey. We we still lived up north we would be up at a meet up. Have fun! Kristi have they placed you on medication to help protect your kidneys?


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