What I Eat In A Day On Keto💙PLUS A Health Update

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35 replies
  1. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    My body seems to work the opposite way that it should. When I fast my blood sugar climbs and my ketones drop. It is a process that is very challenging . I hear you and your frustration with coming to grips with your diagnosis, your adjustment when it comes to accepting the changes that come with it. You will get there physically, maybe sooner than mentally. Until that happens please lean on your viewers, we have come to know you and genuinely care how you are doing. I'm hoping someone out there has been there, done that and can provide you the answers you seek. Don't worry about your moments of vulnerability you show how human and real you are, so hugs to you.

  2. Michele Steward
    Michele Steward says:

    Hey girl! I'm carnivore, and for Dawn effect, I've found eating earlier in the day brings my BS down better. So instead of IF until after lunch, I eat breakfast and lunch, skip dinner. May be written a try!

  3. Wen Om
    Wen Om says:

    A Dr said… forgetfulness we may go through sometimes. You said you walked into a room and forgot why you went in there. It may be serious if you walk into a room and forget where you are. Not sure that will help right now… but I wanted to share… for whatever it is worth.

  4. John Vanderploeg
    John Vanderploeg says:

    Judy VanderPloeg–I had a diabetic friend experiencing some of those symptoms with her digestion.
    She was diagnosed with gastroparesis.
    If I understand it correctly, it's nerve damage to the digestive system from high blood sugar.
    Give yourself some grace. This is a life changing diagnosis.
    My mom was a type 1 diabetic from the age of 7, and even at the age of 67 she would still run across new things that would affect her.
    You will get the hang of things, it's just going to take some time.
    I hope you have a blessed holiday season.

  5. Sue Lathe
    Sue Lathe says:

    Kristi always enjoy your video's! Praying for you. Did you hear the study from Texas Uni., all the things diet soda does? Not good news. Tooth decay, obesity, brain fog, depression.diabetes. Every body is different. I've heard you say you do you. Good luck. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Happy healthy New Year!

  6. Diane Bunkowski
    Diane Bunkowski says:

    Kristi I am so sorry you are going through this. I am going through something similar with every day something different with my health. My medical issues are different than your, but the outcome is the same. Thank you for sharing your journey. You are my favourite person to follow. Make sure to put yourself first and keep searching for answers and I pray you will find your way onto the other side of this. You are truly a gem of a person. Take care ❣️

  7. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    And interestingly as you are talking about brain fog and how you were feeling, I actually had to pause this to share with you my thoughts. You’re talking and I’m literally wondering could the gastric bypass be related to some of these issues? I had the gastric bypass RNY in 2004. I struggle with the same exact things! I’m not diagnosed as a type one diabetic but I go through the brain fog the fuzzy headed thinking, the downer with my mental thoughts, the fatigue, I have malabsorption issues that won’t go away, basically most everything you have mentioned throughout the past couple of years has been my struggle. I am not in the position to do a reversal especially after all these years but thank you for sharing your struggles and for being transparent. For myself, sometimes I just have to stop thinking about the struggle and just do some thing. The more introspective I get the more my issues are magnified. I find that It helps me immensely

  8. Blake Houchens
    Blake Houchens says:

    Been T1 diabetic since I was 10. I feel your pain about the morning rise in blood sugar, especially when you have a good number to start off. My blood sugar will also go up if I get stressed or angry. Socks.
    Loved your heartfelt moment and you sharing.

  9. Astro Cross
    Astro Cross says:

    It's called brain fog that's what happens with people that have diabetes because same thing happened to me you're probably really going to have to let go of a lot of sweet things and really go strict kind of like just high protein and salads in order to get back your brain function sorry to tell you that but your doctors won't tell you that diet is everything no carbs for a diabetic is everything I'm telling you from experience I refused medication and went strict almost like carnivore: ((((((

  10. Astro Cross
    Astro Cross says:

    I am a type 2 diabetic and I keep my sugars down with my meter but I don't really trust that one doctor cuz they wanted me to take medication and all I did was change my diet I've been looking at your channel for a while now at least two years I really do like it you have some good recipes cuz I keep everything low carb:)/)))

  11. Debra Keeler
    Debra Keeler says:

    So sorry for what you are going through Kristi. I had my Gastric Bypass in 1999 and my digestion is really messed up. I can't digest fats anymore and my IBS is really bad. I hope you feel better soon. Sending love and prayers your way. <3

  12. Fred Vaughan
    Fred Vaughan says:

    Hello. Im not Fred, just using his computer. Im his wife, Carol. I really feel for you. Symptoms sound familiar. Have you had your kidney's checked and also checked for any anemia? Diebetes is hard on your kidneys. I really pray that you find answers. You seem so open, kind …and you have really helped me. Good luck, Kristi. Wishing you well, hon.

  13. Katie Inman
    Katie Inman says:

    awe Kristi my heart just breaks for you. I am praying for you lady and sending so much love and big hugs. I am glad Chris is home I know he will be a boost to your spirits and keep an eye on you. Take the time you need for you thanks for being honest and sharing your journey you make a difference.

  14. Sherry Long
    Sherry Long says:

    Prayers Kristi. I’m so sorry you’re having such a difficult time with your health. When you don’t feel well it’s hard to be positive, yet you still manage to bless people by helping them in their journey. You are a special person. Thank you so much for all you do!

  15. Stacy Baca
    Stacy Baca says:

    Wow Kristi I am sorry you are having dumping syndrome! Unfortunately I know all about that. I can’t even imagine getting it with every meal. I hope everything will stabilize, and you will start feeling better.

  16. Loving It On Keto
    Loving It On Keto says:

    (Harry here) yeah, every day brings more STUFF that sometimes is way more than I want to deal with. Hip pain or something else is always on the back burner waiting to hit. Ever since my heart bypass surgery I've looked at each day as a WIN. When Keto / PSMF / Carnivore basically fixed my arteries and actually healed the damaged part of my heart form a heart attack, I praised the lord above for turning us in the right direction towards people like you that have shown us so much so we can better ourselves and try to help others.

  17. Shannon Roberts
    Shannon Roberts says:

    Hi Kristi, love your transparency. It is so helpful. I'm still not able to get in to your facebook group. Not sure what is going on. No matter. I will just watch your youtube channel. Oh! yea! I got freddy's twice last week thanks to you letting us know that they have it

  18. Virginia Luby
    Virginia Luby says:

    So sorry. Praying like crazy for you.
    Have you felt like this from the very beginning with insulin? I had a bypass too. Hubby and all of us got covid. My symptoms…my stomach hurt and I felt nausea. Gets worse when I eat. Vaccinated. ??? Just a thought. Also not eating can make too much acid in your tummy. Wally world's equate sugarfree antacids work well.
    God bless you.


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