What I Eat in a Day on Carnivore with Macros | A Day on Animal Based Ketogenic Diet

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What I Eat in a Day on Carnivore with Macros | A Day on Animal Based Ketogenic Diet **To get your free LMNT sample pack with …

30 replies
  1. @odetterobitaille5545
    @odetterobitaille5545 says:

    I see you eat your L Reuteri yogurt every day,After watching your video I started making it too,thank you for that because even though I am at goal right now,I still have to stay carnivore but started including this yougurt and also started making kefir and the water kefir soda which is similar to kombucha,the soda isn’t ready yet but looking forward to trying it.Once again thank you for all your video❤

  2. @darlene2861
    @darlene2861 says:

    Thank you Anita for sharing these meals with us. By the way, I bought the fry wall and it is amazing to keep the splatter off the stove from my cast iron. I love your channel thank you ❤

  3. @smiling4u2
    @smiling4u2 says:

    Your chicken dinner looked wonderful. I was successful and didn't go off plan on Super Bowl day. I prepared carnivore snacks picked some of the meat off the pizza others were eating and I did make your chocolate cookies with bone broth powder and everybody loved them and had no clue that they had no flour or sugar!😁

  4. @weeziedame
    @weeziedame says:

    Hi Anita, I’m from Calgary. I’ve been watching your program for about a year and a half now I really do follow a lot of your recipes. I just have a question and that is are you exercising and if you are, do you mind telling me how many times in a week and what exercises you’re doing.again I really enjoy your program. My name is Louise and I look forward to hearing from you.

  5. @thpiii5084
    @thpiii5084 says:

    I feed my 3 dogs and a cat a raw meat diet. Your dog should consume around 1.6 ounces twice a day. Makeup of meat should be 75% lean red meat with 25% organs. Dogs don’t do well on high fat. I also occasionally give them cod liver. I also try to make bone broth with chicken feet and beef bones in slow cooker for 2 days then blend liquid and soft bones.

  6. @martgrigsby3404
    @martgrigsby3404 says:

    I rub my chicken with butter. So much more filling, crispier and flavorful. I love chicken legs and thighs. I had to change from beef for a while. Just got tired of it. Getting very expensive too eating enough to get my protein in each day. I just bought legs and thighs for $0.99 a pound this past week. What a bargain.

  7. @KoppersKitchen
    @KoppersKitchen says:

    ******YOU ARE BEYOND BUSTED……and to top it off you made me spit water all over my keyboard and desk!!!!!!! I am VERY proud that you did NOT give him the cooked fat, so we shall forgive and forget……..ok maybe not forget. 🤭🤭🤭

    What you can do instead though, is before you cook it, cut him a small piece of raw that would go into his normal food, then give him that when you get ready to eat your bites. I promise he won't know that it is any different, and he is still getting a 'treat' !!!!!

  8. @Hannah-pc7hg
    @Hannah-pc7hg says:

    Looks delishious. I would actually have eaten the whole steak in one sitting, but I like large meals 😇 
    You’re are absolutely right Anita. The thighs need to have skin. No point eating them otherwise. At least that’s my opinion. 

    That sea food salad looks like a salad even a salad hater like me could like. Guess I need to check that one out. You look great by the way. So the sea food and the collagen must be doing wonders for your skin. 😊


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