What I Eat in a Day: Managing Chronic Illness

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8 replies
  1. Lessons
    Lessons says:

    I do best with gluten free and dairy free, but I also have to stay away from high oxalate foods so nuts, cinnamon and spinach is Out! No , msg, sugar and other things. Knowing what to eat and not to eat is a chore sometimes!

  2. MtnGirl & Bunny
    MtnGirl & Bunny says:

    Great ideas with the smoothie and I love the smoothie cabinet idea! I really appreciate your channel with all these food ideas because when you feel so awful all the time it is hard to think of plans for food and it gets so frustrating and depressing when your body doesn't like so many foods! Thank you for sharing your sensitivities too and why you eat certain things and not other. Seeing people 's battles like ours really helps motivate me to keep going.

    I would like to see more about your supplement cabinet too!

  3. Lynda Plancarte
    Lynda Plancarte says:

    I had been a migraine sufferer since I was a young child. As an adult I felt like a guinea pig being prescribed medications that created side effects. It ended up that Demerol was an injection that could stop a migraine, then the doctor switched to Morphine. I discovered that the Morphine did get rid of the migraine but about an hour after receiving the injection I would start throwing up. Finally I went through Menopause and it was as if someone had flipped a switch…have not had one migraine since! If I get a headache, usually an Alleve will resolve it.

  4. Gif24 GT
    Gif24 GT says:

    Does steaming or pressure cooking leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables really reduce oxalates and phytic acids in these things before u add them to the smoothie.

    Inquiring minds need to know.


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