What I eat in a day // Japanese egg sandwich, citrus tea, spicy noodles, Katsu curry

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42 replies
  1. NA
    NA says:

    All things spicy. I can put siracha sauce on anything.
    Rice noodles with savoury sauces is like ultimate yummy.
    And dark chocolate along with matcha mocchi.

  2. Sabana Parveen
    Sabana Parveen says:

    I want to try your recipes it looks so delicious but in most of your recipes you use soy sauce but with thyroid imbalances my doctor has recommended to avoid soy products how can I enjoy the same taste without compromising my health. Is there any alternative for soy sauce??

  3. Shea B
    Shea B says:

    Tiffy I love your channel. Your instructions are so clear and easy to follow, your presentation is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, and you’re just so gosh darn likeable. Your passion for food and genuine desire to share that passion is so palpable. You’re a super skilled content creator and I hope to see your channel and career grow as much as you want it to!


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