WHAT I EAT IN A DAY IN JAPAN/ vegan Japanese breakfast & dinner recipes

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Let me show you what I eat in a day in Japan! I’m introducing vegan soba noodle salad and vegan oyakodon which is a Japanese style rice bowl which is a …

34 replies
  1. Miwa's Japanese Cooking
    Miwa's Japanese Cooking says:

    As you guys already know, I love vegetables! It's a norm to incorporate lots of veggies into my own diet and almost eating like a plant based. However when it comes to my kids, it's so hard. I'm always worried if my kids are getting enough nutrients or not. I decided to make a vegan day for my whole family. That's how my family makes a small effort for a better planet. I know it's not perfect but I hope someone can relate to this. Thank you for watching !!

  2. Friends & Family Kitchen
    Friends & Family Kitchen says:

    To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with a busy schedule, next to impossible. But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the higher you’ll want to reach
    Ur explanation of ur vlogs is really amazing👍

  3. A Girl Called Noah
    A Girl Called Noah says:

    Miwa, this video was so nice! I love watching you for the recipes but also because I love watching days in your life. I would love to learn some Japanese and visit Japan when the pandemic has calmed down

  4. Dimple Adalja
    Dimple Adalja says:

    I just found your channel today. I loveeeeeee JAPAN and I always struggle with Vegan japanese food so thank you so much for sharing all the recipes. I will definitely cook some and share it on Instagram 😀 <3

  5. Mika Suson
    Mika Suson says:

    Miwa San! The soba and the vegan oyakodon look delicious! I want to try making both for my girls (I will have to leave out the gobo though 😢) I love seeing your outings with your boys, hoping to go out more now too since the situation has improved.
    Thank you, Miwa San!

  6. JE AN
    JE AN says:

    Wonderful healthy Vegan recipes! Thank you! Shiso leaf is one of my favorite things but hard to find here in Switzerland unless one lives in the city. Even then, it's not easy. A Japanese friend gave me a shiso plant last year. I planted the seeds which fell, but it was not a success. Going to try next summer again on my sunny balcony!

  7. Vanderbam
    Vanderbam says:

    Yes, I have two sons also, one does eat most foods, but the other is much more fussy. I think we must have the same approach – I find a few dishes with vegetables that I know he will eat and I make them often. It's only a couple of different meals though…haha.

  8. Ares
    Ares says:

    HI Miwa , once again a video i liked , and i appreciate that you showed us some part of Tokyo , i actually went to Ueno with a friend and her two year old dauther and we went to the park and the zoo but i didn´t see the places you showed us , so i will make sure to go again next time i visit . i liked your recipes . have you posted the recipe for the carrot , oignons and miso soup ? i d like to make it ! bye bye bye

  9. LK
    LK says:

    It's so cool so see traditional Japanese vegan or vegetarian dishes, you inspire me to try these! I made your soba salad today, I had all the ingredients in my house ( I didn't make homemade gomadare though) and I loved it (half japanese husband love it as well) thank you so much! Warm regards from Holland

  10. Sally Cormier
    Sally Cormier says:

    You did fine with your English! Your boys are so cute and funny. I have two boys too, all grown up now but my two grand sons are always up to mischief and remind me of my sons. 🥰

  11. Rose Reign
    Rose Reign says:

    You made the cookies! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I'm glad you liked them. Also, i think what you may have been searching for is this " It's a dish normally made with chicken and eggs, seasoned ( which is the correct word, flavored would also fit) with fish stock."

  12. Celtic Lass
    Celtic Lass says:

    HAHA it's funny how sometimes kids are the same all over the world. I grew up very far away from Japan, but I used to love blowing bubbles in my milk!
    Regarding how you worry whether your kids get enough nutrients or not without meat, there are ways to incorporate foods with the nutrients you would normally find in meat/fish. I'm not vegetarian/vegan either, but I do like to limit my meat/fish as well.
    There are lots of vegetables, fruits and grains which contain protein, iron, omega-3s, iodine etc. The ones that it will be harder for is vitamin D and B12, and you can maybe find fortified plant milks there for vitamin D. What I do for B12 is use nutritional yeast fortified with B12. Have you heard of it? It has a cheesy/nutty taste. 🙂

  13. Ima Purnomo
    Ima Purnomo says:

    Miwa-san, is that horenso you add into the nori salad? Your son is so cute to sing booger song. At least he’s not singing the fart song from nodame cantabille🤣🤣🤣🤣. I wanted to ask where on your blog is the carrot miso dressing you made awhile back? I couldn’t find it😁😁😁


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