What I Eat In A Day/ 7 Ingredients Or Less/ WFPBNO

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Today I am sharing another what I eat in a day. This time my recipes will be 7 ingredients or less and all recipes will be WFPB and …

42 replies
  1. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    Tis definitely pumpkin season!
    Was at Trader Joe’s a couple days ago and everything was pumpkin! I do love pumpkin but have a couple cans left from last year to use up, so time to make my pumpkin baked oatmeal and pasta with pumpkin sauce!πŸ˜€πŸŽƒ

  2. Phillip Pinter
    Phillip Pinter says:

    Pumpkin! I think I am going to try the pancakes (eyeballing) with the pumpkin/squash varieties I got for cheep at the heirloom/harvest festival, I must have gotten around 60 pounds for $19, many of the varieties are similar in density and texture to sweet potatoes and can be even sweeter than the orange ones at least. I will also be making similar smooth soups with them (without the kale part, I'd rather have greens on the side) happy end of summer!

  3. Phillip Pinter
    Phillip Pinter says:

    For wfpb even if one is not gf I still recommend using oat flour over whole wheat for any sweet recipe (with the exception of yeast levened desserts where I would recommend white whole wheat) because wheat has a bitter nutty flavor that can be overpowering in sweet dishes and make it taste not sweet (but adds depth to savory dishes) oat flour also gives a nice crumbly texture that is good for sweet dishes where you don't want a lot of pull.

  4. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    Love everything pumpkin. I made pumpkin overnight oats daily for the last week. I put some finely grated carrot in as well. I also stir canned pumpkin into chili and cornbread batter. I have fourteen pounds to lose and these recipes will help.
    Off topic, have you ever done a Mary’s Mini?


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