WHAT I EAT IN A DAY 1 WEEK POSTPARDUM Easy Vegetarian Meals! Meal Prep For Busy Moms

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These meals are easy and convenient even if you’re not a mom! You don’t have to be PP to enjoy any of these! Thanks for joining …

47 replies
  1. @Sandrashideaway
    @Sandrashideaway says:

    Loved seeing baby girl as you were cooking! 🩷👣
    Everything looks yummy. Simple meals, that's what I like too. 👍 you're doing great as a new Momma! So happy for you! 🤗💕

  2. @katievdbshsh757
    @katievdbshsh757 says:

    After I clicked on this video & saw baby was born I clicked over to get your burthing news. Im so happy for you ,& Joe. CONGRATULATIONS!!!😊😊😊. thanks for breakfast ideas. I will be making them soon. It was great hearing little ones sounds. Im happy for you. God bless you all from grandma Katie in Oregon

  3. @ruthrelyea7388
    @ruthrelyea7388 says:

    Look how tiny you are now, no way you just had a baby a week ago

    Again congrats to you and Joe

    Has Joe shaved his head yet?

    Thank you again for the baby pics LOVE LOVE LOVE IT

    PLEASE DO YOU and don't listen to any negative remarks

    You go girl

    Thank you again for sharing ❤

  4. @Elizabeth-dg8dn
    @Elizabeth-dg8dn says:

    I am not a mom and sorry if I missed it, but are the bottles for while you're at work? Do you breastfeed? I was hoping to get to see your sweet baby, (could hear her sweet sounds) but maybe you aren't showing her on social media?

  5. @judysouthern4458
    @judysouthern4458 says:

    Another thing… take a straw (metal preferably) and place the strawberry upside down with stem down. Place the straw through the middle of the strawberry and poke it through. Takes off the stem easy peasy. Otherwise you cut off too much of the top.

  6. @judysouthern4458
    @judysouthern4458 says:

    Do you know a foolproof way to clean grapes? Put in colander, rinse under water, add baking soda to cover, shake, then shake salt on them and shake up a bit to get the baking soda off. Then rinse with water. They will be so clean! You will be amazed! So easy.

  7. @reneepelletier3021
    @reneepelletier3021 says:

    Congratulations lady!!!
    Welcome to the world to your sweetie.
    Soak it all in💓
    I’ve been so obsessed with these nut butter, date oat bars I make with added vanilla protein
    All about convenience in the summertime (plus taste of course haha)
    I love how much you appreciate being a mama, you look so pretty and happy 😊
    My boyfriend gets us smoothies too – I agree sometimes it’s just nicer. A perfect pick me up.
    The açaí ones are my fave, but now you’re making me crave mango 🥭

  8. @colleenc5008
    @colleenc5008 says:

    I've seen your birth story (so wonderful ❤). So happy to see you post about how it's going postpartum. Loved seeing your little one in your wrap, and hearing her little squeaks. Just priceless. Also so happy that your food aversions are gone! You are going to recover so quickly from this birth, and will be shedding your pregnancy weight before you know it. All of your workouts have gotten you to where you are now. Do whatever helps right now, whether it's grocery or food delivery, smoothies, take out – you deserve it! Enjoy these precious days.

  9. @donnavee3943
    @donnavee3943 says:

    I'm so, so excited for you. I'm actually a little teary eyed 😢 I've been watching your since the beginning. I've seen you lose both of your pups, build your house and at one point, you were saving for adoption. This baby… YOUR baby is so blessed to have you and Joe as her parents. ❤ I'm still trying to get used to you being a vegetarian but I'm sure it's what's right for you and baby girl. Love from California Miranda 😘😘😘

  10. @kathy.7475
    @kathy.7475 says:

    Congratulations! My first delivery was also nothing I had planned. Complications, born a month early, my daughter spent time in NICU and then the preemie nursery. She was eleven days when we were able to bring her home, and weighed 4 lbs. She thrived though.

  11. @lesliekanengiser8482
    @lesliekanengiser8482 says:

    I supplemented with one child. The other 2, it was all me. Either way, they're all fine. My sister had a heart baby so he never was able to breastfeed although she pumped exclusively. But, due to the heart issue he has, he had to get a high calorie supplement via a feeding tube. My point is, no matter what you plan on, sometimes plans change. And you have to do what works for you. I am a giant proponent of breastfeeding exclusively if possible. But, if it doesnt work for 1 or both parties, it's ok too. If i had had a baby that had ever been in the NICU, I am quite sure I'd have struggled as well. It's easy to armchair quarterback someone else's life and say what we'd do differently. Especially on the internet. Everyone's braver there. Sometimes to the point of stupidity

  12. @SamanthaLovesHerHusband
    @SamanthaLovesHerHusband says:

    Been looking for this video!
    I am 5 months PP with my 2nd and am always looking for more quick but nutritious breastfeeding meals!
    I eat a lot of the ready clean protein bars at night and almonds and eggs (separately lol) during the day. With my daughter and almost 2 year old, I struggle finding time to cook and eat.

  13. @varsharao86
    @varsharao86 says:

    Hi miranda I am so so so so amazed at how active you are the very first week of postpartum. 😮❤ congratulations once again. I wanted to give you a few tips as a first time mom myself. Feel free to not take it 😂. But the overnight oats that you get at costco. OMG that literally was my savior for the 3 am feedings. So may be you can try those. It was not only good with regards to quenching my hunger but also tastes darn good. Also there will be a lot of people who might comment about your feedings if its breast milk or formula. Its absolutely 💯 your body and your choice. Ofcourse its nice to give the baby breast milk but some women dont lactate well so will have to make do with formula. I was one such girl. I tried my best but my body wasnt producing enough breast milk to keep my baby full and hence she would cry a lot. But once i switched to formula i literally felt like i got a new baby. Happy as can be. So you just do whats best for you and dont let anybody make you feel bad. ❤


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