what i eat in a day 🍚 how i stay fit as someone who CAN'T cook (simple meals)

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healthy and *realistic* what i eat in day as a girl who eats what she wants easy and simple meal ideas, my easy workout! ft.

45 replies
  1. @kimlullablue
    @kimlullablue says:

    I FEEL YOU when it comes to touching food!
    My tip: I have black vinyl gloves for cooking. This way your hands don't stink of garlic afterwards and you don't have to wash your hands as often (which dries them out SO much)

    @KOOKlEDOUGH says:

    hehe this was such a cute video i loved ittt~ im always looking forward to ur videos🥰💜 personally i do think u can cook but either way u definitely ate😙💜

  3. @amberhobbs9659
    @amberhobbs9659 says:

    Hey jasmine, just some advice, put the spinach in the freezer if you’re worried about it going bad. My friends and I do it at university and then just add it to our cooking whenever


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