What I eat in a day 🌱How I prepared for a camping trip & Cauliflower Ice Cream

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Hi, I’m Ami, and I have lost 60lbs following the Starch Solution & using the principles of calorie density! I am uploading these …

35 replies
  1. Bird Song
    Bird Song says:

    So inspiring, made my first hummus, a tiny bit of olive oil as no tahini, it’s wonderful and great for pizza toast, instead of cheese! Also made strawberry banana vegan frozen yogurt discs.

  2. MissArya89
    MissArya89 says:

    Great video as always!! Are you guys going to the vegan camp out? I have two kids (6months and 3y) and i was wondering if it would be doable maybe next year without losing my mind 😂 you seem like you handle traveling with them so easily it’s inspiring 💕

  3. Sharon Genco
    Sharon Genco says:

    I literally just started putting cauliflower in my ice cream last week. It was purely by accident. I made a smoothie that I wasn’t able to drink and stuck it in the freezer. In the evening I just decided to add some things to it and eat it in a bowl. It was delicious!

  4. Genie Rasul
    Genie Rasul says:

    I always add frozen cauliflower to my smoothies and the taste is undetectable. Haven’t added to my nice cream but I will after watching you do it!! 😋😋😋

  5. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    Love that your whole extended family eats plant based! I also love your plan for the camping food. This is totally in line with how I keep things sustainable and simple as I feed my family of four. We have been eating this way for fourteen years, and I’ve just started sharing some of the ways we make this work on my YouTube channel. My kids absolutely love the many healthy oat squares and cookies that I make for quick breakfasts as well as a cauliflower Alfredo sauce I make in the instapot.


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