What I Ate To Lose 70 lbs On A Vegan Diet / Plant Based Weight Loss

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Hello everyone!! Welcome to my channel. My name is Taylor, also known as The Mommy Vegan! These meals helped me lose 70 …

18 replies
  1. D Smith
    D Smith says:

    Thank you for another wonderful video on what you eat in a day meal ideas!! I just tried your weight loss vegetable soup and it was absolutely delicious – such good flavor!! It is definitely one that I will keep making!!

  2. Marlynn Bowman
    Marlynn Bowman says:

    There’s a misconception in the plant based starch solution community that you can eat an abundance amount of food but be cautious. Most of us are coming to this way of eating from years of restrictions and when we hear that we get to eat an abundance amount of potatoes and broccoli.. we end up stuffing ourselves and calories equal calories! I learned to eat until I’m comfortably full not stuffed. I was guilty of eating a huge amount of broccoli and potatoes that was way unnecessary. Eat as much as you want when you want but really let your body’s hunger and fullness signs guide you.

  3. Abbygail Havel
    Abbygail Havel says:

    What do you think of adding riced cauliflower to morning oatmeal? Or riced 🥦? My morning breakfast, 1/2 c oatmeal, 3/4 c riced veggie, 11/4 c water, 1/2 banana, sprinkle of blueberries, drizzle of pure maple syrup. I would love your opinion.❤️


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