What I ate to lose 42 lbs – high protein meals + easy snacks

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This is what I ate to lose more than 40 lbs! I’m showing you some of my favorite high-protein healthy meals and snacks that I used …

50 replies
  1. lilac shefi
    lilac shefi says:

    you are so sweet and you make very good videos that i enjoy to watch specialy the vegan parts but i must say that its very un healthy to eat at night specially not protein like humus it takes 3 0r 4 hours for the body to digest the food and at evenings the digestive system is getting slower as is. so its best to eat light meals at dinner 3 hours befor bed time and avoid snucking

  2. sweetie4ama
    sweetie4ama says:

    love the recipe ideas however i'm not sure anyone should eat 1200cal that's like a kids meal and even they might be eating more i would just add a bit more chicken to the dinner to up the protein in case you're not having any of the snacks

  3. LHS
    LHS says:

    This was such a useful and beneficial video!! I have always loved how you make meals that are filling but healthy and not boring or bland. Everything looks so good! ❤❤❤

  4. Mama
    Mama says:

    This is my fav meal plan video thus far on the internet! It’s not restrictive, and I love how you break down ways to customized the calories to fit your needs. Love it! Thank you!!

  5. S W
    S W says:

    Great meal ideas! Also, you're very artistic! I loved your note pad drawings! May I inquire about your husband, Rob? You haven't mentioned him in a while. I hope he is well. Do you cook for him too? 🥰

  6. The Green Goddess
    The Green Goddess says:

    It is really disturbing to see this uneducated trend of high protein meals. Women on average need 40 grams of protein per day. 100 grams is too much and easily cause kidney stones. Have you had one? In 2007 I had an 8mm stone that was stuck in my ureter. You can pass a 5mm stone at the very most. I had to have it ultra sounded out or I would have lost my kidney.

    This is irresponsible for you and to suggest others to consume that much protein on a daily basis ever!

    You and your viewers are asking for trouble in the future. Kidney stones are excruciatingly painful.

    I was told to stop drinking any soda, severely limit spinach, kale and chard, chicken and meats.

    The one thing that is good for you is lemon water or apple cider vinegar to dissolve the stones.

    My urologist said “See you in a year!” Because no one changes their habits. I still have no had another one since in 16 years. Don’t be stupid and consume high amounts of protein when your body cannot flush those amounts out easily.

    Totally irresponsible and ignorant of how the body works.

  7. Pri
    Pri says:

    I am so ready to start using your recipes!! How would you make the tofu? I have a way I make it but curious what your way is (for the dinner meal)! Thank you!!! 🩷🩷🩷

  8. MenUbabe Sihatay
    MenUbabe Sihatay says:

    I was feeling mentally drained and lost for the last couple days, ive been on my own journey since February and was just thinking hard and your video just popped up. Great timing ❤Thank you so much ❤

  9. Audrey Nicoletti
    Audrey Nicoletti says:

    Carnivore, water , fast . Little snacking if any . Air popped 3 cups popcorn and fourth cup of walnuts. Stop eating and drinking after 830pm. The water weight pours off a pound a day. Then after 2 or 3 weeks I should start loosing fat weight. I'm diabetic have been for three years.very insulin resistant very stubborn weight. 60 pounds overweight. Trying to reverse my insulin resistant and diabetes. My blood sugar is coming down . I had 111 yesterday and today. Yaaa!! This has been a incredibly slow journey.because I wasn't ready or serious about my health. But I am now. My a1c went from7.4 which is high . In may down to 6.6 in August still in the diabetic range but better than it was. Going to get my a1c down again in November. Trying for 5.6 normal blood sugar!!! Loose the carbs and sweets loose the weight. I'm finally getting healthy. Took my 57 years. I was a carb addict and a chocoholic. Not anymore. I want to be healthy more than I want chocolate.

  10. Kiki Ray
    Kiki Ray says:

    OMG!!!! Thank you for this video, I’m trying to lose weight and I’m trying to up my protein intake… I realized all me meals are so carbohydrate heavy 🥰


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