What I Ate Monday and Tuesday | My Morning Routine

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Having a consistent morning routine helps me in my journey to healthy. It keeps me on track and on plan. So far this week I am …

7 replies
  1. Holly S
    Holly S says:

    I loved the video! Can't wait til I'm feeling good better and I can try the mock banana split for breakfast! I like when you show your pupper and makeup you're using. Can't wait for an evening routine 😀

  2. cindi k
    cindi k says:

    Wow. I lost you for over a year, and just by good fortune, found you again! I subscribed…again. My word is commitment as well. I have a lot to catch up with you.

  3. Sherry Jefcoat
    Sherry Jefcoat says:

    I don't remember if I commented on the goals video you did, but I have also been looking at my own journey. I want to do very similar. I have listed some habits and routines I want to get into. I have a planner that I am checking off each day as well. It is encouraging to see someone else doing similar. I have not gotten to the bike yet…I will be honest is is buried under a bunch of junk so I have to clean it out first. That will hopefully be stared next week. I am also trying to do more veggies maybe even some meat free type meals. I can't wait to see your videos each time.


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