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Full recipe for breakfast fritters and caribbean inspired lunch plate: https://bit.ly/3dciMyW

25 replies
  1. Jellyblossom13
    Jellyblossom13 says:

    I have a question please: were the beans cooked before freezing? As far as I know eating raw beans can be poisonous they contain cyanide and phasin which are destroyed when cooked) and lead to diarrhea and worse so I was unsure.

    Thank you so much for this video. I love watching them all

  2. Amy G
    Amy G says:

    Thank you, Malin! I really, really, really enjoy your videos for a multitude of reasons. I appreciate you sharing how you have been feeling lately with regards to what's happening in the world. I know it's deflating so many of us, myself included, and taking time to disconnect from the news and focus on other things is so important. Stay well. xoxo

  3. Nancy Esposito
    Nancy Esposito says:

    Thank you for doing your video it actually got me away from the news I was feeling the same as you very down! I love your simple ideas for pantry staples! I always look forward to your videos! Stay Well!

  4. Deborah H
    Deborah H says:

    Thank you so much. Please keep making videos during this time, we need some escapism and normality. Would you be able to make a meditation video? If your comfortable to do this I think would be really relaxing. Just an idea

  5. Samuel de Laet
    Samuel de Laet says:

    This video helped me so much to calm down, as I was also panicking a little bit, and it also gave me so many ideas for quarantine cooking! Tusen Takk! Your videos and recipes are amazing. Greetings from a scary empty Paris.

  6. Mrs O
    Mrs O says:

    Thank you for your uplifting visit today! It’s nice to have some outside company during such strange times. Love your recipes and calming tone. Stay well 💐

  7. Allybeetulk
    Allybeetulk says:

    Love from New Zealand! Working from home starts for me tomorrow as we watch our cases go up exponentially. I realised I had spent 2 hours reading bad news so am now watching videos like yours so I feel a bit more same and can sleep. Thanks for the cooking ideas!

  8. Cynthia Ava
    Cynthia Ava says:

    Thank you for this video. It was just what I needed this morning…from NYC 🙂 May I ask what kind/brand of pan you used to fry the fritters at the beginning? Looks so nice and easy. Blessings of health to you and your family. xo


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