What Happens To Leftover Food When Filming The Pioneer Woman?

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People waste a lot of food. The UN’s Food Waste Index Report 2021 estimates that 17 percent of all food meant for people’s …

24 replies
  1. Joane D
    Joane D says:

    Don't watch her, but if I see 1 more cook or chef with his or her hair hanging down I am going to scream, what makes them think their hair won't be in the food😭😝

  2. magdalena bell
    magdalena bell says:

    I think Rae is an excellent chef i love her receipts , the only thing that turns me off is when she has her hair down in front of her face and flapping long sleeves. I like when her hair is up in a pony tail she has a pretty why not show it off.

    Ree also less talking and more cooking,

  3. karien slaven
    karien slaven says:

    In the epsoides 8 an 9 of staying home ree acting so stupied it was pathetic she stopped food all over forgot some of the ingredients stopped her nasty sleeves
    In the food cut up to many ingredients an open to many cans of beans this person talking in this video is a liar she wastes Ladd looks at her like he's not to happy
    Her daughter is embrassed she rolls her eyes so let's not make a godess out of her

  4. Kelley Wilbu
    Kelley Wilbu says:

    Not interested in watching any show she's on anymore after finding out she spent 50 grand on her daughters honeymoon. These ultra rich people are so out of touch with reality.

  5. Glenn Gore
    Glenn Gore says:

    Ree also uses generic and store-brand foods when cooking instead of just the top of the line name brands. I applaud her for this. Some generic foods don't look as good or are not at the same quality level as name brands, so if I see that a generic can look great after she prepares it, that's great and a good way for viewers to save some money.

  6. Alexei M S Cruz
    Alexei M S Cruz says:

    it angers me whenever I see these empowered people especially millennials order food anywhere, take a bite or two and then leave… that pisses me off so much as there is a sizeable portion of the population who are going hungry as I'm typing this very comment… why don't they take a doggie bag and give it to the next poor hungry soul they see on the streets if they don't want the food they ordered?

  7. Wowzer Bowser
    Wowzer Bowser says:

    It's not just food shows. I got to go backstage and meet Joan Jett and also got to hang backstage. SO much food gets made for the crew by local restaurants and hardly any of it gets eaten.


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