What Happened? Weigh-in and Update Week 161 on Keto Now in Maintenance #ketotransformation

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Hi, I’m Tammi! Welcome to my 2020 Weight Loss Journey! I am a 45-year-old mother of 9 and I have been eating ketogenically for 161 weeks! I lost 200 lbs on …

28 replies
  1. Anita T
    Anita T says:

    Tammy, you have been taken from the ball and chain of being 200 pounds heavier to that of worrying about a weight fluctuation which perhaps you should just table and just go buy how your clothing fits and be your lovely self, fit, fun, and Fabulous. Why exchange another ball and chain for the one that you left behind so long?!?! Thank you for keeping it real!

  2. Kzoo Keto
    Kzoo Keto says:

    I've been doing higher protein than I did when I first started Keto. It seems to be working for me, for now. It's kind of a science experiment where we find what works, until it doesn't, and then we have to change it up. LOL
    You've been doing awesome, and your whole journey has been amazing!

  3. Amie Rikke
    Amie Rikke says:

    I’m confused, are you still trying to loose or are you maintaining?
    Have you watched Dr Dan Maggs’ videos? He is excellent, explains very well that yes keto works, but need to account for fats. It’s our insulin levels we need to be concerned about.
    In maintenance, your body will not stay in one spot on the scale, it’s going to move.

  4. Shirlyn’s Sleeve
    Shirlyn’s Sleeve says:

    WHAT…… why the critics, if someone needs to lose weight then eating more protein works well. Each person is different. Some people follow & eat Vegan and that works for them. Megha is eating higher protein to lose baby weight & they’re pretty much the experts. Great job on your maintenance challenge as it’s not for the faint of heart (hard boiled eggs, nuts, meat sticks, Premier Protein Drinks).

  5. Stephanie Anderson
    Stephanie Anderson says:

    So interesting!!! I love that you are having success with the higher protein. I read the other day to aim for 1g of protein per LB of your goal weight and boy those days that I'm shooting for the 120-140g range I feel more satiated. My binge brain got all lit up a few weeks ago so I'm not even sticking to keto but I'm getting my protein 🤦🤦🤦🤦 girl you just keep giving me hope, you're amazing.

  6. 1GoldenBreeze
    1GoldenBreeze says:

    Once you learn your body you just have to stick with what works for you. Both high fat and higher protein keto work well, but they don't usually both work well for each person. We just have to find out which one works best for us as individuals. For me, higher protein works best and I'm not very interested in the keto-approved filler foods, but that goes along with how I was before keto. I enjoyed real meals and didn't eat many sweets, so my taste hasn't changed much. Give me a couple pieces of meat and cooked veggies and I'm good to go. I don't track, but based on the meals you show in your videos I eat more protein than you so I don't see anything wrong with the amount of protein that you eat. I'm more on the ketovore side of things. LoL

    The scale is not ever going to just sit at one weight there are too many factors involved. Maintenance is more about staying within a healthy weight range. It's a balancing act. Congrats on the inches lost!!! That's the real story. :-}

  7. Kate Hillenbrand
    Kate Hillenbrand says:

    I don't mind you watching the road instead of us.
    If you feel keto protein bars are what you need to stay on track, there are loads of recipes out there and you can control the ingredients.
    Now, with your measurements going down while the scale isn't, it could be the muscle mass you're gaining.

  8. KETO Diamond Channel
    KETO Diamond Channel says:

    No one should be upset with you about it. Everyone is different and even keto is no exception. Fats are best for some and higher protein is better for others. I think it just depends on your body. I have both my protein and fat set high, which works for me. The keto sweets are a real down fall for me and I can't touch the heavy cream at all. Inches are more important!

  9. Lisa Summs
    Lisa Summs says:

    Oh my goodness such a love fest at the end… you’re the best Tammi !!!!❤️💕😊congrats on the inches gone and just hang in there, you know all too well with keto it changes from day to day and not always in the desired direction.

  10. therese bizabishaka
    therese bizabishaka says:

    So you know my issues with higher fat. Ive had so much stress lately that I've gone higher fat again for a while but it's honestly not working. I feel more hungry and consume so many calories. Honestly I just feel better on higher protein lower fat. Maybe some people's bodies just react differently. So back to the protein for me.

  11. Lisa Summs
    Lisa Summs says:

    Gorgeous Utah !!! Sorry I haven’t been on YouTube much, had to concentrate on projects and playing on my phone is toooo distracting when trying to stay on schedule. Love you, miss you and I just gotta say you look marvelous and you know when it feels right, trust your keto judgement. I feel as a woman this isn’t a perfect science. I feel that we all have different health issues, stresses, needs and circumstances and so if you find a sweet spot- stay!

  12. Karlies Mama
    Karlies Mama says:

    So, know that I love your story & your courage!🙏🤗 As someone who has watched probably 90% of your videos & has shared your amazing logic you learned of using FAT as the lever in what we are trying to accomplish (loss vs. maintenance), it's hard to watch you sometimes get wishy washy on some of your original beliefs that you were so dedicated too in the beginning. Some videos of you going off the rails with the KETO snacks is hard for me to watch because I know logically that isn't the best behavior. As a working mom I understand the needs for convenience of our eating, I just think now that you have allowed yourself the liberty of processed KETO snacks you are finding a little struggle. You were such a strong advocate in the beginning of your journey with keeping food as clean as possible. I love that you teach us to do some planning for emotional eating, to minimalize the damage we can do on bad mental days. Maybe try no weird snacks, even the devilish whipped cream for two weeks?? The same advice I'm hoping you would give one of your clients?? Truly not trying to offend you. Just see a lot of my own conflicts in you. 🤗🙌 Maintenace to me is really where the rubber meets the road, the euphoria of huge losses has warn off by then.

  13. Neyla Sol
    Neyla Sol says:

    I hate the scale!! Also lol I was on onederland at 199.0 then even though my clothes feel looser the scale is saying 203! What the heck !!! I’ve been on track with my macros 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
    Congratulations on the lost inches!
    That’s the thing I don’t do, Ive never measured myself

  14. Que Sera, Sarah
    Que Sera, Sarah says:

    I'm starting to think for me weight maintenance is staying within a certain numberical range. I'm also learning I do better eating more on protein versus having all the fats. I am also more satisfied when I have more protein. I could eat all the fat and still want more too.


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