What Food Lovers Ate Through the Decades

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Weird History Food is taking you through the decades to examine some popular foods and dishes. From one decade to the next, …

39 replies
  1. Emily Jelassi
    Emily Jelassi says:

    Unpopular opinion : I hate green bean casserole! Probably because I loathe cooked green beans and can’t eat mushrooms (severely allergic). I’ve made the ice cream bombe, but it’s awfully fiddly; I prefer making baked Alaska.

  2. Random Female
    Random Female says:

    Your constant digs at "The Wealthy" are tedious in the extreme. Anybody that could "get around" rationing in WWII, did so as much as possible. Almost anybody that can get something for themselves, keeps it for themselves, and doesn't just give it away! It's called hu,an nature. "The Wealthy" is not a race of evil people. It's any f**** person that can get something and hold on to it, protecting it from the millions of others who'd love to grab it & keep it for themselves! Your divisive attitude is shameless pandering to ignorant prejudice.
    Did you know that: "the top 1 percent of taxpayers accounted for more income taxes paid than the bottom 90 percent combined." And that the wealthiest half of Americans pay 97.7% of all federal taxes? Maybe you should do an episode on how the wealthy pay for the running of our entire country, and just what the hell is the government really do with all that money.
    Oh yeah. Imbezzling. Giving it to terrorist organizations & funding wars we have no part in.
    Source for tax data: https://taxfoundation.org/publications/latest-federal-income-tax-data/

  3. Sacto1654
    Sacto1654 says:

    The fusion cuisine trend of the 2010's would be great if it weren't for all those complaints about cultural appropriation . 🙄But thanks to YouTube, we now have actual demonstrations of making something pretty close to the real original.

  4. wendy richards
    wendy richards says:

    Most of those food trends from the 60s onwards have been mirrored in the UK ,fondue was huge in the 70s and molecular gastronomy had a brief hay day about 15 yrs ago .Personally I consider the pre 60s dishes (for the most part ) to be real food that has stood the test of time .Who doesn't love roast beef after all ? Some of the later fads are glorious too ,a good cheese cake is still one of my favorite things .

  5. Matthew Bizzarri
    Matthew Bizzarri says:

    I remember from the 70's until now. I have learned food trends are a crime against foodies. It takes something good, and then twists it into something bad, like a great car that is then given super large rims and hydraulics. Great food sticks around decade after decade, and becomes part of the locale or the entire country, like the cheese steak, beignets, or regional BBQ.

  6. Phobe Romys
    Phobe Romys says:

    Fondue was pretty big here in Italy too; we also had vodka penne (why? WHY? 😨) in the 80s.
    Now we have things like fish carbonara and nduja + burrata pasta, which are seemingly everywhere and aren't even that bad


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